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FrozenGate by Avery

Knockoff Saber 1.6W small review.

Hey, Zach. I just noticed you very recently got 1000 posts. Congratulations. You should be able to ask Avery for veteran's status and keys to the executive washroom.

Lol yeah I asked. Should be allowed into the club soon I hope :)

Planned on making my 1000th post special but I got impatient :crackup: Oh well. Still gonna do a big thread here hopefully.

Richie, you probably know Sanwu mentions Unlimited duty cycle because it auto cuts down on power output when gets to warm.

Well, that's one approach, and it's very preferable to the laser overheating itself and sustaining damage from that.

You can do thermal design for unlimited duty cycle, under given conditions. Such 'standard conditions' are usually things like 25 celcius environment, sea level air pressure, and unconfined airflow around a device.

But when you get into more difficult conditions throttling back is not that uncommon - if you were sitting outside in 40 celcius and in direct sunlight, your (black?) laptop would probably also not run up to full performance anymore (if you could still see the screen, but you get the idea).

One difference is that on a computer you can easily see this using some software, on a laser pointer you'd have to measure a drop in battery current or something like that.

I don't object to throttling for thermal reasons, as long as it can work at full power under standard conditions. It would be nice if the laser gave some kind of indication that it was going in to throttling mode (perhaps blink the beam off for a short bit every minute or so) that would be a nice feature.

Then again many things do this - don't expect your car to produce the stated number of horsepower either if you're driving up at 5 km altitude in the bitter cold :D
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If you all are interested, I'll do a run test till it dies. From the start I planned on replacing this diode anyways, so if you'd like, I'll kill it. For science.

Edit: Just gimme a day or so cause I'd like to send it off for a new heat sink right after I kill it.
It would be nice:D
Richie, you probably know Sanwu mentions Unlimited duty cycle because it auto cuts down on power output when gets to warm. How true it is I don't know as I haven't seen anyone test its claim?
This isn't a Sanwu product though and who knows what's inside as far as quality driver's etc.. I would like to see you explore though and you have a LPM:D
Tommy claims unlimited cycle also so I would think he should warrentee a at least 10 or 15 minute test run if something were to go wrong:thinking:
If it's claimed to be up to the task then it should do what is claimed, why not run it..

As long as you don't open it up.

haha yeah im so temped to run it for a while just to see what happens :whistle: the only laser right now that I have that is probably unlimited D cycle is my JL Equality.
It is a very nice looking host, Richie. If that is all you are interested in, might as well run it until the batteries or the laser quits. If it has a thermal shutdown, this might mean you can't over run this laser, and that would also be good to know. Do whatever you feel comfortable doing.
It is a very nice looking host, Richie. If that is all you are interested in, might as well run it until the batteries or the laser quits. If it has a thermal shutdown, this might mean you can't over run this laser, and that would also be good to know. Do whatever you feel comfortable doing.

ugh! I want to so bad but honestly im a little scared :cryyy:
however, I talk to tommy every now and then and hes always done good by me, so if something bad happens then I know he'll make it right. to be honest, I want to buy a real Sanwu Saber and compare them side by side.
