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KipKay-Laser Phaser

Jun 10, 2008
Hi all,
I'm trying to get my posts up so I can pm people, lol ,so I thought I would write this. :P

I was just wondering if anybody has tried to make a blue laser based on KipKay's laser phaser video. If so, what was the result?. His looked pretty good and cheap for a blue laser, also simple to make.

So let me know.

oh god no don't do that.

yes, most people here have seen that video, it's widely ridiculed here.

instead of posting you should be reading. there are many threads around here saying in bold text, things like DO NOT HOOK YOUR LASER DIODE DIRECTLY TO BATTERIES, YOU WILL KILL IT!!

start by reading the faq (you know, the one that says "read before posting") and you'll see your question has already been answered.
Yobresal made lots of those phasers.I think he has a few reds, one green and some blu-rays, all hosted in the phaser case, you should be able to find the threads with the search function.Btw, blu-ray isn't blue, it's violet. :P
[smiley=thumbdown.gif] I can't believe how much money that guy's made in his [mis]adventures in electronic "how-tos", which are so misinforming its not funny (at least the blu-ray phaser, anyway)
I really have a personal vendetta against this guy... he's never come up with anything original himself, he's just taken other people's hacks and made bad instructional videos with a good announcer voice and good editing...
he's made thousands upon thousands of dollars stealing other people's work, and he consistently misses the point, leaving out all the pertinent safety information, not bothering with saying *how* things work, just oversimplifying everything to make money.
Any time he's been confronted on his videos and why he advises people to destroy bluray diodes or suggesting that kids shine multiple-hundred-milliwatt lasers into mirrors with no safety goggles etc, he always shrugs it off and says people shouldn't listen to his videos they should do their own research.
This guy is a dangerous moron who's making a very comfortable living stealing other people's work and claiming it as his own.

I personally canceled my subscription to Make: magazine once he was hired on as their video producer.
You guys need to chill out with him a bit. He never says that he personally comes up with these ideas. Some of his are original, some not. Aside from that, he doesn't DIRECTLY hook up to the batteries, he uses a resistor too lol.
If you want to make a blu-ray then you may want to see this video I made, like everybody said don't use that tutorial from KipKay.
And here I thought I was all slick building some LDs into a phaser. It's true what they say, it's all been done before. By the way, I'm NOT using KipKays method of LD destruction.
Thanks for the compliments muledeer and hydrogenman15, hopefully that guide will answer a lot of questions for n00bs.
styropyro said:
Thanks for the compliments muledeer and hydrogenman15, hopefully that guide will answer a lot of questions for n00bs.

Great video Mr. Pyro :D

Also, just a note for those watching the video, the link given for my drivers is the "Public" site. For members of LPF, make sure you use the link I posted in my thread (or in my sig), as it's cheaper ;)
Great video styro!

One thing I might point out though, for your own sake you might want to get a proper soldering iron... I winced when I saw the words "soldering gun"... those things are usually over 100W, and can nuke heat sensitive electronics in a matter of seconds.
pseudolobster said:
Great video styro!

One thing I might point out though, for your own sake you might want to get a proper soldering iron... I winced when I saw the words "soldering gun"... those things are usually over 100W, and can nuke heat sensitive electronics in a matter of seconds.
I must have worded that wrong in the video, the one I have is either 15W or 30W. You think that is bad, you should have seen my old soldering gun... ;D
rkcstr said:
Also, just a note for those watching the video, the link given for my drivers is the "Public" site. For members of LPF, make sure you use the link I posted in my thread (or in my sig), as it's cheaper ;)
I just want to thank you for your service - I paid on the 23rd for my driver and received it on the 25th. It doesn't get much better than that.

Styro - great video, thanks man. And thanks once again for introducing me to this site when I stumbled across your first blu-ray laser video on YouTube.
