Once you have more than one, you start noticing differences in power..
Two of my lasers seem to compete for the place of the best one. Every now and then i get a feeling, that one got weaker, but then i notice, it's the other one, that is getting stronger. One slowly increases in power as it warms up, and the other slowly decreases, and becomes slightly weaker than the other, even tho it starts stronger.
When i only had one, i didn't notice any of this.
Also, the slightest difference in the battery internal resistance changes the brightness. I have two brand new batteries, but one seems to have a slightly higher resistance, so the brightness of the two depends on which battery i put in which one.
Once i have them current regulated, i will finally know which one is better for sure. As it is, it is impossible to tell what is causing what. I'm also looking for better optics.
Also, the oldest one (the used one) had the cleanest output, so i switched the lens with the most powerfull one, and now there is no speckle around the dot. Looks like this doesn't really depend on the "model" (all three of mine are slightly different), but rather how "careful" they were during the assembly. Looks like they sometimes get some dirt on the lenses.
The used one had the same clean output as the one in the pic on the left, and the other two, the same "dirty" output as the one on the right. But they all have nice round dots, which turn slightly oval after warming up, but also brighter at the same time, so i'm not worried..
I don't regret having three of these even if one is scratched and used. At first i wanted to sell one of mine to a friend, but i ordered another one for him. They dropped in price slightly, and with the dollar dropping as well, they are almost free. 16 Euro is nothing for such a great laser.