Again, thanks for everybody congratulating me that it turned out okay.
Well actually, with my dad behind me, and the drunk right in front of me with a knife I was a little cornered. And we were all the way at the end of my alley, so it's not really like I could have walked anywhere.
Here in the ghetto of Hagerstown, cops don't treat drunks or druggies very nicely at all (probably because there are so damn many of them). If the drunk I was dealing with claimed assault with a laser they would just have a good laugh about it and then shrug it off. Maybe if it hit him in the eyes it would be different though. And I AM very glad that I didn't hit his eyes with it.
Thank you for all of your insight though, wannaburn, you bring up very good points.
Keep in mind, im not trying to be a 'Negative Nelly'... I just remember
what it is like to be young and make mistakes. Had I owned the lasers
that I have now, and no internet to boot, im sure I would have got
myself in trouble along the way..
Regardless of how the cops may treat the local riffraff, if a case gets enough
attention (which lasers usually do) things can spiral out of control
with a result that may not be in your favor.
Having access to such devices, even though now more common place,
comes with the requirement that you truly think twice before you act.
Another thing that came to mind is if an armed assailant wielding
a sharp edged weapon or gun is 'disabled' by a victim who used a laser
to 'take em out', the media would have a field day. The fact that the
laser beat the gun in a given situation, would probably destroy the hobby
for most overnight.
Just something for
ALL of us to keep in mind when we find ourselves
in similar situations....