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FrozenGate by Avery

Is My Laser Projector Safe?

I wouldn't want to be crowd scanned with a laser of any power.

This unit uses stepper motors which don't have as smooth or precise operation as a galvo system and probably runs at quite low speeds, increasing the chances for eye damage.

I damaged a few pixels in my Samsung camera with a ~70mW RGY system a few years ago being scanned at 20KPPS to give you an idea.

That must not of been defracted at all. I plan to have it strobing as fast as possible (bout 4 strobes a second) and moving as fast as it can (which is slow). And since it will be mounted up high pointing straight down, I don't see how anyone could be injured.

Thats the problems with lasers by the time you see the damage its to late.

:thinking: hmm. Guess I should've done more research before getting myself into all of this. Kind of regretting buying all my equipment haha. Thought it wouldn't be this dangerous considering my local bowling alley has a laser that defracts all over the room and it does hit your eyes. It is just as slow moving as my mini projector. Idk if I could tell how much it is defracted maybe I could find a way to find out how much punch each little beam packs.
diffraction helps and china sellers call them legal but they are not. if you use one that is under 100mw with a diffraction its decently safe. Enjoy lasers just know alot of clubs and places use them illegal there are legal laser setups sold at American DJ i think but the price is crazy.
diffraction helps and china sellers call them legal but they are not. if you use one that is under 100mw with a diffraction its decently safe. Enjoy lasers just know alot of clubs and places use them illegal there are legal laser setups sold at American DJ i think but the price is crazy.

Yeah that place has insane prices. I've been looking at zlaserlights for stuff. This projector has a 50mw green and 100mw red that go through a diffraction lense, then those beams go through another diffraction lense. So I guess it could be considered "decently safe"?
the best way to find that out it to get it and measure the brightest beam and if its over 10mw its not safe.
the best way to find that out it to get it and measure the brightest beam and if its over 10mw its not safe.

Is there a cheap way to do this? I was trying to find a formula for how much the intensity of the laser was decreased via difraction gratings, but it got extremely complex really fast. Is there a way I can dim them with some house hold appliances or something I could grab from the store such as a clouded lense?
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get a LPM, or find a member near you and you guys meet up and test the unit.
But there is no other easy way to test.
