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FrozenGate by Avery

ir filter for green modules

May 20, 2012
OK I know this has been mentioned a zillion times and I have read and searched and looked at several sites for ir filters.
I have a few modules I would like to put filters on.
The standard answer is "get an ir filter and glue it to the end of the module".
I'm having trouble finding them.
(small "module size") O-like has one but it is square. (9.5mm x 9.5mm)
I guess you could make that work some how.
Since I could spend hours looking just thought I would ask if any one knows where to get them? (A size that goes with the 12mm modules)
Would it really be complicated to make a STANDARD screw in ir filter for the STANDARD green modules?
I would think these would sell faster than bananas at a monkey farm!
Most people involved with the green seem to be concerned about it.

It would be good idea indeed. Still I'm not sure how much green modules are 'standard'.
I have never seen anyone sell anything like that though. Only those filters at O-like.
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As DrSid said the only filters that i have seen are the ones from O-like.
Is there any possibility your modules already have filters ? :thinking:

No they don't. They are mostly 200mw and measure 180 - 214. I just got a large "ir720" filter, supposed to block everything below 720.
When this is placed in front of the meter the reading drops but still ranges from 30-60 or so.
I'm estimating there is a good 20-30% ir on average.
If your filter is good then there is enought IR light to hurt somebody...

I guess I should have said I got that filter strictly for measurement purpose, not to be used on the module.
It allows any ir to pass through.
I guess there are two ways to measure. A filter that BLOCKS the ir and one that lets only ir through.
Well, if you dont see any green light after the filter,
then the filter blocks 100% of the 532nm beam ;)

Couldn't you just cut the filter using a diamond edge glass cutter, or would that ruin the effect of it?
See EEKBay seller techhood
nice size-arrrived quickly from China- great price(they came as a 2 pack) And I cannot see how a square filter would cause any problem-- as long as your round hole is covered.

I made mine(for a 532 labby) from a plastic cap that only needed a hole made in the center and a slight altering of the ID made it stay on as a compression fitting.

When you say 'standard' Module most think you are referring to modlues like the 12X30 AixiZ brass or copper module- afaik these are not useful for 532- unless you are popping for the $300/$500 green diodes.

I would say forget cutting an IR filter down to size- they seem to be mostly very thin glass.

I think you may be consfused when you say round IR filter would 'slip inside'

hope this info helps... Len
