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Influencing dreams

Aug 17, 2008
I have heard multiple times that talking to someone while they are sleeping can influence their dreams. I have tried it a couple of times on people, but with no results. I really want to believe it can work, so my friend and I can give each other awesome dreams. I can't get him to try it on me, because he and I always fall asleep at the same time. Has anyone had this work on them or done it successfully to someone else? Would talking slowly or waiting a while before saying separate sentences have any impact?


Lucid dreaming is being aware that you are sleeping and controlling your dream... I'm pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with others controlling your dream. :-?
randomlugia said:
Lucid dreaming is being aware that you are sleeping and controlling your dream... I'm pretty sure it doesn't have anything to do with others controlling your dream.  :-?

Agreed. The "someone whispering suggestions to you" method has NOT proven to work. If it did, sleep learning would be effective. It is not. Sub-conscious suggestion has shown to be ineffective in every form of testing done. The brain must be "conscious" of input for it to be effective.

The lucid dreaming link was to help guide you to a technique that has shown to be at least testable.

I always heard that if you tell yourself "i will remeber my dream" as you're going to sleep, you have a much better chance of remembering more detail.

you could compile some sound effects, or parts of a movie that come on hours after you have crossed over into the dream world. then just add some things reminding you to remember whats going on. it might just work.

Right before i wake up i always dream about the news (my alarm clock is tuned into NPR  8-) )
randomlugia said:
Here was something I found: http://www.dream-recorder.com/

Pretty cool. Now I'm inspired to try lucid dreaming... ;D

It is one of the coolest things I have ever learned to do in my life. I highly recommend it.

Unfortunately, as I age, I seem to be dreaming less and less, or I am no longer as aware of them, anyway.

daguin said:
It is one of the coolest things I have ever learned to do in my life.  I highly recommend it.
Agreed. I found the most effective technique to be counting as I fall asleep. Especially in the morning. As I nod off, I say to myself 'one I'm dreaming, two I'm dreaming, three I'm dreaming' and so on.

Next thing I know I'm lucid and asleep...

Unfortunately, as I age, I seem to be dreaming less and less, or I am no longer as aware of them, anyway.


Too much smot poking? it supresses dreams...

Wow, you guys are lucky you can even sleep... Chronic Insomnia sucks :'( I'm lucky if I sleep for 3 hours...
kernelpanic said:
Too much smot poking? it supresses dreams...

Nah. I haven't done that since the mid 70's. I didn't even do much of it then. I was an acid head when I was young. Stopped that in the 70's as well.

I ain't like that no more. I ain't the same. My wife, she straightened me up, cleared me of whiskey drinkin' and all.

daguin said:
Nah.  I haven't done that since the mid 70's.  I didn't even do much of it then.  I was an acid head when I was young.  Stopped that in the 70's as well.

I ain't like that no more.  I ain't the same.  My wife, she straightened me up, cleared me of whiskey drinkin' and all.


Lasers are more expensive than drugs anyway... ;)

kernelpanic said:
[quote author=daguin link=1226299361/0#10 date=1226382177]

Nah.  I haven't done that since the mid 70's.  I didn't even do much of it then.  I was an acid head when I was young.  Stopped that in the 70's as well.

I ain't like that no more.  I ain't the same.  My wife, she straightened me up, cleared me of whiskey drinkin' and all.


Lasers are more expensive than drugs anyway... ;)



You obviously haven't done drugs then ::) and please DON"T!!

Montana64 said:
You obviously haven't done drugs then  ::)  and please DON"T!!


LOL With what I spend on lasers I could keep 3 or 4 crackheads high 24/7...

Perhaps you haven't done lasers. ;D

