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In Soviet Russia laser burns you !

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Well that was rather stupid...I guessing you filmed it as your signature is in the corner of the frame :tsk:
LOL@Tupac Mother F'er, Represent!!! I bet that hair on your arm never grows back...
You pointed the laser at his head, almost in his eye. What the hell were you thinking?
I was wondering that too...whats the connection?

Edit: @ ryansoh3 apparently Crelant may have started shipping...;) :beer:

Ah, hopefully the DHL and UPS guys can get it before the new year? Thanks for the update. :)

Since you're in Poland, perhaps you should pay the OP a visit. :crackup:
Youtube name & his name are the same.

Yeah I saw that, but he wrote "In Soviet Russia..." and he is Polish or based in Poland...;)

@Ryansoh3. I think it could be a little dangerous paying him a visit, so if I were to go, Id have to take some protection...my trusty Eagle Pairs! :crackup: :beer:
Those guys were not speaking russian, of that I am 100% certain.

I didnt actually watch it with sound last time, so I just checked it with my other half and she confirmed its definitely not Polish. She also said it was probably Russian or maybe Ukrainian? ;)
I didnt actually watch it with sound last time, so I just checked it with my other half and she confirmed its definitely not Polish. She also said it was probably Russian or maybe Ukrainian? ;)

I'm fluent in russian, trust me that's not russian... Ukranian maybe.
I wish guys like this had a harder time getting a hold of high powered handhelds.
It really frustrates me :tsk:
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