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FrozenGate by Avery


Yeah man, those two wires in that picture - i'm not bending them! They could rotate like that! ;D
The third just fell out, as it was only stuck through the hole, and the fourth i cut off before taking that picture (the fourth was blobbed to the driver - that blob was the only spot where the FlexDrive was even touched!).

Well, actually, the power at 600mA was not all that high. Keep in mind, the diode was at such a horrible angle, that a lot of the light simply missed the lens! It was not much more than 260-275, i don't remember. This was in three small Dorcy heatsinks and mounted in a vice. It wasn't hot, just slightly luke warm the entire time. I powered it directly from my PSU (with current limiting set to 0.6A), with only a tantalum in between....

I was actually very surprised that it lasted for 24 hours! :o

Igor is really really good , he is Honest , Kind and Knows What He Is Doing Very WELL ! the Blu-Ray laser he sold me was AWESOME nothinmg wrong with it , fast shipping , instructions and the parts were pust together very well and designed it so good , een better than any laser site :)

Many Thanks to Igor ,
awirq said:
Igor is really really good , he is Honest , Kind and Knows What He Is Doing Very WELL ! the Blu-Ray laser he sold me was AWESOME nothinmg wrong with it , fast shipping , instructions and the parts were pust together very well and designed it so good , een better than any laser site :)

Many Thanks to Igor ,
I can only agree with awirq and like another forum members phrase that went something like"OMGit'sawesomeujustgottagetone"
scopeguy20 said:
[quote author=awirq link=1223748783/0#17 date=1225046971]Igor is really really good , he is Honest , Kind and Knows What He Is Doing Very WELL ! the Blu-Ray laser he sold me was AWESOME nothinmg wrong with it , fast shipping , instructions and the parts were pust together very well and designed it so good , een better than any laser site :)

Many Thanks to Igor ,
 I can only agree with awirq and like another forum members phrase that went something like"OMGit'sawesomeujustgottagetone" [/quote]

Thanks ;)
