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FrozenGate by Avery

Ice tube clock

Put me LDR & 10K resistor on and installed that firmware, the dimmer works a treat!

Mini Tutorial

1. Get USBTiny or similar AVR programmer and plug it into your PC.


2. Get the drivers for USBTiny here: USBtiny-based AVR Programmer
And install it.

2. Remove Clock from clear case.


3. Remove Tube from PCB.


3. Plug in 6pin ISP Cable to USBTiny and the 6pin header on the Clock PCB.


5. Plug the power in for the clock.


5. Download AVRdude from here: WinAVR | Free Development software downloads at SourceForge.net and install it.

7. Run Comand Prompt and type avrdude and press enter, should look like this:

8. type: avrdude -c usbtiny -p m168 -U flash:w:name of your firmware.hex
It should start loading the firmware.

The firmware will install from your root directory so if its C:\Users\YourName put the firmware there.

9. It should look like this if all is good:

It will beep when done, unplug the power and ISP cable from the clock PCB and install the tube then power the clock up and look at your new firmware!

I attached the firmwares i have in a .zip file.



Cool tutorial ! +1
My clock is working just fine now. Don't fix it if it ain't broke. :)
Thanks for writing that up!

How long does it take for the brightness to change?

Im no C programmer extraordinaire, but i did some mods to the firmware :D

Lol, that is a very personal clock :D

I see you installed the ldr, Did it work now ?
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