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FrozenGate by Avery

I need UV-C laser

Apr 23, 2013
Hi, anybody knows about UV-C lasers?
I need anything that is between 200nm and 270nm, ideally more than just a few mW, 1W would be AWESOME.

Hmmm 10 mW is rather low output... I've seen thios already and asked them for quote... but is this the most powerful diode available? I was hoping for something closer to 1W output (so 100 times more)...
You would be talking about a very expensive pulsed laser at that wavelength and power. Thousands of dollars.
The link posted is probably the only commercial source for any UVC laser, and that one alone will easily be in the 4 or 5 figure range. 1W of output would surely be 5 figure range or higher, if you could even find a lab that would sell something so dangerous to an individual. For what reason do you even need that? UVC is a serious cancer risk, even from a diffuse reflection. If you do manage to buy one, please heed safety advice https://www.photonics.com/Articles/UV_Laser_Radiation_Skin_Hazards_and_Skin/a56545
Thousands of dollars (4 digits) is OK, 5 digits is too much.
Edit: I know how dangerouse UV-C is.
Hi, anybody knows about UV-C lasers?
I need anything that is between 200nm and 270nm, ideally more than just a few mW, 1W would be AWESOME.
The best thing to do is keep on the lookout for 266nm (Nd:YAG 4HG) systems. They are not cheap. But sometimes pop up on auction sites like eBay. Otherwise, start requesting quotes from laser suppliers. UV lasers are not cheap.
Anyways, the 10mW 261nm laser costs 8000usd.
There is no chance to get a 261nm (or similar WL) laser CW in this powerrange with a budget less than 50-60kusd....
That’s insane power. The reflection alone will cause cataracts. What do you need this for? If it’s for cleaning a room there are led systems to do the job. Ablation? Ion detection in water? Ionization to remove dust? Pump for raman scattering? Just wondering. I bet the air would breakdown if focused.

to get 266nm at 1w would likely need a 100w or better 532nm q switched pump driven by 400w of 808nm from 1kw of 1064. Might be some rare fiber laser I’ve never heard of. That’s like excimer laser level for making chips.
I think something like the Lambda Physik model 104 excimer laser below is what's needed. Big scary laser!
Lambda Physik EMG104 System.jpg
That’s insane power. The reflection alone will cause cataracts. What do you need this for? If it’s for cleaning a room there are led systems to do the job. Ablation? Ion detection in water? Ionization to remove dust? Pump for raman scattering? Just wondering. I bet the air would breakdown if focused.

to get 266nm at 1w would likely need a 100w or better 532nm q switched pump driven by 400w of 808nm from 1kw of 1064. Might be some rare fiber laser I’ve never heard of. That’s like excimer laser level for making chips.
Yes. Getting 1W is just ridiculous. Both in monetary and safety terms. I still think 4HG yag will be the cheapest option for getting a moderate amount of power within that wavelength range. However as kecked has correctly pointed out. The system would be expensive an hefty to get class 4 output at uv. The only other way I can think of is some fibre laser engravers use uv fibre packages. But the price of these systems are insane compared to ir and q switched 532’s. IIRC, most uv fibres are 3hg at 355nm. I can’t remember if 4HG fibre packages exist.
I’m looking for a 1w gamma laser that’s hand held and runs off 9v battery for 8 hours at a time. Prefer zero point vacuum battery if possible.

unfortunately your request sounds like that at ye moment. 10 years from now maybe but I doubt it.
uv is really hard on atoms and it is hard to keep things from flying apart. Thus making high power is hard.

still like to know what you want it for. Maybe there is another way. Be way cool for marking clothes.
1000 mW at 200 nm? I don't think that's even doable. Maybe at a quarter of that power with a big old custom-made lab laser for a hundred thousand or more. Maybe I'm out of step, but that seems like a ridiculous request.
You are all right, too expensive.
I've ordered 222nm UV-C lamp (excimer) - NOT laser (I need lighting source in UV-C) - it is 40W input and about 1.5W radiant power - but not laser - it includes AC 220V power supply, ballast.

This cost me $250 - already ordered and on the way.
How long do the lamps last? Seems like an expensive way to make ozone :-)
I think 10s of 1000s of hours - I think I saw that.
222nm does not produce ozone yet, low pressure mercury lamp with quartz glass does (main lines 253.7 - no oznoe & 184nm - ozone genrating if allowed to pass from the bulb).
I need this as a lighting source
I have GFX 50R camera full spectrum modified (IR/UV cut filter replaced with quartz passing 180+ nm) + debayered/monochrome conversion (removed color filter array CFA RGGB) - it is just 44x33mm naked snsor covered by think quartz glass.
Then I have UV-Nikkor lens thatpasses from 200nm (UV dedicated lens).
I want to check if I can "see" 222nm excimer lamp light.
