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I need to buy a wicked laser lasercube


New member
Jul 9, 2019
If anybody has a wicked lasers lasercube i will pay what you payed being in the usa i dont have acess to them here i will pay what you paid amd any shipping cost thank you this being my firstpost here hope i did it correctly

Not likely -- why would anyone bother?
If you do not know anyone in another Country who will do it for you then you are SOL.

If it can't be sold to or shipped to anyone in the USA, it can't be legally shipped to USA by anyone else either.
+ if attempted smuggling of one into USA is caught by USA Customs --you never receive the package and lose the money.
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If anybody has a wicked lasers lasercube i will pay what you payed being in the usa i dont have acess to them here i will pay what you paid amd any shipping cost thank you this being my firstpost here hope i did it correctly

The reason you don't have access to them in the USA is they're not FDA / CDRH certified and are illegal. I spoke to my contact at WickedLasers a couple weeks ago (I'm working on a project and want to support them) and he said they don't have any time estimate on when they will be legal.
I have one sitting on my desk here in the US. It's tiny, it's cute, it has a built in DAC and it's portable as it has a built in Lion battery. Its galvos are ~20Kpps Chinese quality, but it can still do a ton of stuff in your home. Yes, it isn't varianced (yet), but its a very interesting product that would make a great introductory laser projector for many people worldwide. As a tiny laser builder myself, I took the time to open it up and examine it. Again, I have to say I was impressed that so much got crammed into a form-factor so small.
Can you explain why you “need” one?

There are lots of other (legal) options and many of then will give you better results IMHO. Also, check out this thread that outlines some of the pros/cons of this cube in detail.

That being said, I agree with dkumpula that this unit has some impressive features but these are only really applicable to a niche group of users. Pretty much everyone else should be ok with a more traditional projector.

The legality of the projector is also a problem and effectively limits you to run shows only where the CDRH doesn’t have jurisdiction, mainly closed locations (such as your home.) you will not be able to run public shows or use it for paid gigs.
Can you explain why you “need” one?

There are lots of other (legal) options and many of then will give you better results IMHO. Also, check out this thread that outlines some of the pros/cons of this cube in detail.

That being said, I agree with dkumpula that this unit has some impressive features but these are only really applicable to a niche group of users. Pretty much everyone else should be ok with a more traditional projector.

The legality of the projector is also a problem and effectively limits you to run shows only where the CDRH doesn’t have jurisdiction, mainly closed locations (such as your home.) you will not be able to run public shows or use it for paid gigs.
I just waant it for at home use for me no public use what so ever
I just waant it for at home use for me no public use what so ever

Well I suppose if that’s all you intend to do it should be an ok unit. I presume your familiar with the included software and it’s limitations. You won’t be producing award winning shows out of the box.

It does say on the website that the lasercube is compatible with LSX which is a real timeline based show editor and something you may want depending on your application. Laser Show Express allows you to draw your own images and create new abstract patterns that you can manually set to music. It also gives you much more control over the projector. Do you have any interest in producing your own laser shows or do you simply want to look at cool patterns on the wall?

Also, a word about safety. This is a class 4 laser projector (>500mw) and as such falls under the most dangerous laser safety category. A beam in the eye from close up can easily cause permanent eye damage.

With all that said, this might be an ok option for you as long as you can find a unit at a decent price. If someone asks for $1000 or more for one, I would encourage you to look elsewhere.

Hope this helps,

@green lasers rock
There are lots of other (legal) options and many of then will give you better results IMHO
I also wanted to buy one, but after reading some comments,....indeed I think safety is a VERY BIG issue! Question: can you please point us then in the richt direction? Which ones are legal and good (ilda animations), preferably under 1200$. Hope my question is allow in this forum, otherwise a mod can remove this one. Regards.
@green lasers rock I also wanted to buy one, but after reading some comments,....indeed I think safety is a VERY BIG issue! Question: can you please point us then in the richt direction? Which ones are legal and good (ilda animations), preferably under 1200$. Hope my question is allow in this forum, otherwise a mod can remove this one. Regards.

Have a look at the Photolexicon forum---they are much more interested in laser light show projectors and ILDA on an ongoing basis than LPF.
A lot of their members are light show people

see: https://www.photonlexicon.com/forum...d-Scanning?s=f4b5c7eb9f68f6d2f196f310513854e9

Also check the ILDA web site for info: https://www.ilda.com/
I have an account on Photolexicon too, though I rarely go there any longer. Encap is right though. That is where I would go with projector questions.
If anyone really wants a laser cube in the US, and don't know someone in another country that will forward it to you, there are plenty of mail forward companies online. For instance I used one in Canada called Your Canadian Address and have had good luck so far since it cleared customs and is on its way across the country now. I just claimed it as DJ equipment. I too only bought it for home use. I want to hike up and project small show on the side of the mountain above my house which is the tallest in San Diego, to do my part in helping with the great awakening. I needed a small portable unit. I could throw in a back pack easily and quickly so I can move to different locations without detection.

There is a one time fee of $20 for signing up (no monthly fee like others) and I think they charge $10 per package plus shipping cost for forwarding your packages. There was also a import tax for it to come into Canada that I had to pay DHL which cost around $35 and the actual shipping cost was around $30. So total extra for me to have it shipped to the US was around $100 over the cost of the unit itself. At the time I bought one it cost $699 but they had a 15% discount running so it ended up costing $594 with free shipping. So the total cost for it was a little bit less than what the cost without the 15% off. Other wise it would have been an extra $105 totaling $794.

So if you find anyone willing to sell theirs to you, I would not pay them more than that amount.

Good luck.

Update: It arrived just after my original post and the the Lasercube works great. It arrived in perfect condition and so my experience using Your Canadian Address was excellent.
I did find the software ( laserOS) to work the best with an Android device vs my windows 10 laptop and PC. This could be my fault. The Samsung galaxy Tab A SM-510 16GB runs it very well. I did not buy any of the extra lenses, but the burn app works well even know it doesn't have the extra lens. Also the pop feature worked well also from about a distance of 10-15 feet. you just need to make sure if the balloons aren't black, that you use a black sharpy and draw a large dot on the balloon and make it your target. It will pop the balloons.
I'm still learning so can't give to much more on it. Just that, if your in the US and want one to experiment with and do so in a safe manner, you do have options. Just always be safe and don't be an idiot and hurt yourself or anyone or anything else.

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