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I have questions for my laser pointer


New member
Apr 16, 2020
I've recently bought a blue laser pointer, but just after a day, laser blurs and i have no idea why.
First two are when I removed the focus lens, and the other is the picture is when focus lens are on.
I paid $170 for this, yes, i know its not a ton of money, but im a student and I dont want my money to be just get wasted.
Thank you so much


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Sorry to say but you got scammed big time.

You can get that same laser from a reputable source at 3X the quality but at 1/4 the price.

Try to get your money back at all costs

That's what happens when you don't do research and buy from "lasertotallynotanotherchinglishripoffscamsitepointerpro.com"
Sorry to say but you got scammed big time.

You can get that same laser from a reputable source at 3X the quality but at 1/4 the price.

Try to get your money back at all costs

That's what happens when you don't do research and buy from "lasertotallynotanotherchinglishripoffscamsitepointerpro.com"

Thats really disappointing and depressing though....

Since it'd be hard to get those money back, could you teach me how to fix it though? I mean like buying a new focus lense or replacing diodes and stuff?

Additionally, thank you so much for replying this fast.
Did you use paypal or a credit card?? you CAN send it back for a refund...

IIRC a member is offering 1W he built for $60.

fixing may not be possible.
Yes, I'd try to get your money back any way you can.

As for fixing it, I'm not sure what's wrong with it. What do you mean by "blur"?

In your pictures it seems to work as intended. The laser diode looks like a bar without any lens to focus it, and the lens seems to focus it close to a dot as it should when it's on the laser.
Yes, I'd try to get your money back any way you can.

As for fixing it, I'm not sure what's wrong with it. What do you mean by "blur"?

In your pictures it seems to work as intended. The laser diode looks like a bar without any lens to focus it, and the lens seems to focus it close to a dot as it should when it's on the laser.

Oh, yeah.. it kinda looks fine on the picture though...

The focus lense does not really make the beam straight. Once you shine it in the night sky or the object around 10 feet away, the light isn't really focused on a dot and looks like a blue flashlight.
It just might have a acrylic lens like some early Thor style lasers had in the past.
If it was working and focusing ok at first then within 4 or 5 time's of using it the spot became more of a blob it just might have that plastic lens.
There are replacement lenses for around $8 to $10 that you should be able to swap if that is the issue.
Are you sure you put the lens in the right way after you took it out? That would cause a big spot of un focus.
Really need better pics or describe the info a little better..
Did you watch a duty cycle and not run that laser for more than 30 seconds on and 60 seconds off for proper cool down. You could of damaged the diode window with over running it.
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It's hard to tell from your pics and description. If I had to guess, I would say you need to adjust the lens in the focus knob. I used to have a laser like this, they're pretty common and not super well made.

The lens should have slots for a screwdriver of the correct width. If the laser never focuses to infinity (dot smallest it can be) and then the dot gets bigger again, then your lens is not close enough to the diode. Ideally, you want to adjust it until fully tightening the knob gives infinity focus but no more. If the lens is loose, try a layer of thread tape.
Sorry to say but you got scammed big time.

You can get that same laser from a reputable source at 3X the quality but at 1/4 the price.

Try to get your money back at all costs

That's what happens when you don't do research and buy from "lasertotallynotanotherchinglishripoffscamsitepointerpro.com"
I would like to see a laser 1/4 of the price with 3X better quality? For $42 show me..??
Ok he over paid a bit but there are nicer ways to say it than rub salt in the wound.. He is obviously upset with the spot so lets help him Snecho;):)
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As Peter already told you this could be an acrylic lens. These lenses are fine for lower power lasers, but tend to melt when used with 1 watt or higher powers. The lens is likely inside the focus knob and usually can be moved as it is threaded. If it is a glass lens this would most likely be your problem. But, since you just got this why not get the seller to deal with it? You should be able to get your money back if you used PayPal or a credit card or debit card.
I think they hope you do not have access to a meter-- true long ago but not true now.

With some it is clearly BS-- we have seen dozens here that buy cheap THEN wish they had not--so easy to ask here at LPF.
I have seen ads at Alibaba for lasers at 50,000 mW-- what does that tell you?
Len, in Alibaba's defense you actually can buy very powerful lasers there. But, they cost many hundreds of dollars or much more. I got my 574nm yellow laser there. Also bought diamond powder years ago when trying to make a better heat sink compound.
