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FrozenGate by Avery

I feel like I'm being ignored or something

Feb 21, 2011
I messaged DTR, Moh, and maraujoh about aquiring stuff from them through purchase, no response over 3 days.

I messaged DTR, Moh, and maraujoh about aquiring stuff from them through purchase, no response over 3 days.

That's pretty weird. You sure you actually messaged them? Check your Sent Messages box to see if the PMs actually got sent.
I asked DTR if he still carried 650nm modules, I asked MOh for product 20, or similar. I asked marahuano if he accepts PayPal for hi o-like, and I also asked jufran for one of his test loads, he responded once 0 more responses. Are my pms getting blocked or limited?
Unusual for DTR not to respond quickly, must be you are being ignored. The others, I can't say, never delt with them.
I'm kidding :p DTR is normally quick, maybe he missed your email, try again. Although he has an uncanny way of showing up in this forum in a heart beat if someone posts anything like this.
It's fine, I guess I need to be patient. Lol thanks Alaskan. Sorry I'm kind of a paranoid, and with that comes annoying, person at times.
He will show up soon, sometimes I think he has software running to check the forum for "DTR" to show up, as quick as he does.
Best to reach out to people via email if possible. If I'm not by a computer or busy with other things, might be 1-2 days before I see a message. Work email on the other hand, gets checked at least once an hour during the day.

Bear in mind for all of these people lasers and laser related sales are more a hobby than a source of income.
i just got 3 drivers and diodes from DTR hehe
2/9mm NDB7875 445nm and 1 Oclaro 700mW 638nm just came in i love the 1 day shipping :)
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Most of us don't get an email notification when we get a PM, we only find out by visiting the forums. Email communication is best!
Most of us don't get an email notification when we get a PM, we only find out by visiting the forums. Email communication is best!

I'm getting instant email notifications since...

I dunno, since I made an account. That's so elementary, I'm surprised it's not on by default.
