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FrozenGate by Avery

I Bought My First HeNe

Feb 4, 2010
It's 612nm. My first HeNe is a 612nm. I feel like in some way I've failed this hobby for doing that. Regardless, when I said I made a few crazy purchases, I made a few crazy purchases. I also bought this beauty off of Sam and Phil.

This is a fairly healthy one for orange, putting out 3.5mW. The only "defect" is that it also lases the 604nm line:

As for color, it is as pure orange as it gets. If we're comparing to my 607nm and fruits, it looks a little more ripe. A little. 612nm on the right:

Annoyingly enough, this is a fairly difficult color to capture on camera. Bright spots are too yellow and dim spots are too red.

Usual link to the image album, there's more angles and takes of a lot of these shots at the moment.

Zach, are you trying to make us envious? Out of the HeNe's you had to get orange didn't you. :p
Very nice...again! :D
Congratulations on your new purchase Zach. That looks like a very nice orange laser. Sorry about the extra line.
Mines about the same power (maybe a tad less) and I got it from Sam also, but you have the advantage with the 604 line. Mine also has a special place of honor in my home. A shelf just for this HeNe and accompanying power supply, out of harms way.

Be careful with it and be warned, another LPF poster had one that also produced a couple extra lines. He set it down and it rolled off the counter crashing to the floor. One less 612 in the world. :(.

I love the tangerine color!

You now need the yellow and green.
Right now mine's on a shelf no more than 4 inches from the ground, any time I set it up on a flat surface I keep it in place with some modeling clay. I hopefully won't see any potential to get damaged. Hard to justify getting others with a few sizable wavelength gaps in my collection at the moment, maybe eventually.

In other news, why haven't I been doing this with low powered lasers more often?
Orange has always been arguably my favorite. Nice purchase, sure you paid a decent chunk for it. phil doesnt let these go cheap. That looks like one of the LOR-161s he got a while back. 3.5mW isn't bad. They're supposed to do 4+ but I've only ever run into one that does that much. most of them are more marginally multimode and usually do more like 2-3. My first one only did 1mW. Orange tubes are notoriously hard to produce and get them with no defects. They almost always suffer from lower power, or extra lines-often both. I'm glad it found a home with someone that likes it so much. Take good care of her, they're a dying breed.
