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FrozenGate by Avery

How to focus this thing?

Please tell me that laser still works? Im not being sarcastic as im a noob also but on every pen laser sight it usually says fixed focus. I have seen wrong descirptions?:yh:
Please tell me that laser still works? Im not being sarcastic as im a noob also but on every pen laser sight it usually says fixed focus. I have seen wrong descirptions?:yh:

Yep it works :P
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just turn the lens (the black thing sticking out). You may have to scrape the glue off holding it down, but it usually isn't very strong.
Even if you can't focus it, and spent a lot of time getting it disassembled, at least that is experience you can keep.

Take it as an opportunity to perhaps learn about the lasers construction, or upgrade it with a new module or driver.
Yeah i havent seen a pen that u can actually focus anywhere from most companies that sell lasers, but maybe jetlasers that now offers some pens are gonna add focus option later to them, but it wont be cheap probably hard to make it work right on tight space in those pen hosts..
Can focus it easily. Use a toothpick or something to remove the red glue and then just turn the black lens holder WITHOUT touching the lens. When it is about to fall out the focus point will be around 4-6 inches away. You can remove the top pretty easy if you do it properly with no unit damage.

See my complete pen focusing tutorial in my sig. I've made a LOT of these focusable;)
Don't expect to be able to light a black sharpie colored match head without a stable at least over 50mW unit with low IR.
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