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How to Fix Attached Pictures in Old Posts!


Feb 9, 2009
edit by c0ldshadow, this problem is now fixed as of 6/1

How to Fix Attached Pictures in Old Posts!

As you know, one of the problems ppl have been having with the new forum is getting attached pictures from their older posts to display in-line properly in the new forum. YaBB always displayed attached pictures inline directly below the text, and many members expected and relied on that when composing their previous posts in the old forum.

But the new forum often displays these pictures as just a attachment "link" at the bottom of the posts. Even worse, these pictures are currently not even accessible AT ALL to casual visitors or lurkers, which represent the vast majority (typically over 80%) of the users of this site!

This inability to display the older posts as they were originally intended and written (with the attached images intact & visible inline with the contents), or for the lurkers (not being able to access these pictures at all!), tends to obfuscate or in many cases even destroys the poster's original meaning and flow of content.

So here is a solution to this problem! :cool:
(Note that this only applies to older threads that had been "converted-over" from YaBB to new forum)

1) Go into the original YaBB forum here -


and find your original post. Scroll down to the picture in question.

2) Directly above the picture, you will see a paper-clip icon and a filename (like "mylaser.jpg"). Position your mouse directly over that filename, so that the link highlights -


3) Now, with your mouse still over that link, right-click it, and then select "Copy Shortcut" (for IE) -


or "Copy Link Location" (for FireFox) -


4) Go to that same post in the new forum. Click the "Edit" button at the bottom of your post -


5) Click your mouse in the edit box, scroll down to the bottom of your post text -


6) Now click the "Image" Button (above the text box, the one with the two mountain peaks in it) -


7) When the box pops-up asking you to "Please enter the URL of your image:" -


...then press Control-V on your keyboard. This should paste the address you copied in step 3 into that box -


You should see something like this -


8) Click OK, then Save Changes. If you did this right, your original picture should now appear at the bottom of your post! -


Cool, huh? That's it! :)

Alternative Approaches -

Instead of Steps 2 & 3, you can also right-click the image itself, select properties, then highlight & copy the URL from the properties screen. (But the paperclip method is easier/faster!)

In Steps 5-8, rather than using the "Image" button, you can also enter the code manually (NOTE - If you feel uncomfortable entering post codes manually, you may be better off just using the Image button above). Go to the bottom of your post in the edit box, then type "
" (without quotes), then click Save Changes.

Again, these are just alternative approaches, you don't need to use them if you just follow the Steps above!

Note again that this only works for older posts that were converted-over from YaBB. Displaying attachments for new posts still needs to be resolved.


This will always display the image properly inline! :)

This allows everybody (including lurkers) to view the original post with all the pictures intact! :):):)

There is also extra server overhead associated with the way the new forum displays attachments (separate program run - "attachment.php", extra database access, login check, generating the special HTTP headers to simulate an image, etc.) This approach avoids all of that, reducing the load on c0ld's server! :cool:

It is also possible to apply something like this in an automated fashion, conceivably converting every single attached image and fixing ALL of the older posts at once! That is something that still needs to be looked at.

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This is a very nice and helpful tutorial, seoguy.

I am confused, though. Wasn't that covered in this thread by rog8811:

Getting old pictures to show.

where you pointed out:
I do think there is a solution to this, unfortunately it appears that this is not it.

I had mentioned in that thread:
Thanks for the info rog8811. I had realized I could do that, but if I fix all my old posts and c0ld fixes it across the forum, then I will just have to go back and fix everything again because of the double image.

Also, this doesn't help me if I want to edit or delete the old atachments.

That thread was left with everyone agreeing "that it isn't the answer."

I know you are "The Man" these days, with 1,000 rep points from cOld, and you are working closely with him.

I have an old build thread (not old actually, just pre conversion), where I would really like to edit the pictures.

What I don't get is, why not just fix this little problem?

Does this mean that you have talked to cOld and that he is never actually going to fix this and that we will never be able to edit those pictures?

You seem to have the inside info, which is why I am asking. I have never been able to get a response from cOld on this.

Sorry if I have missed something here, but perhaps you can see why I am confused.
i havent been able to figure out why the attachments dont show as inline pics

i contacted vbulletin but they dont know why
i havent been able to figure out why the attachments dont show as inline pics

i contacted vbulletin but they dont know why

Thanks cOld. Is there any way we can delete these pictures? Then maybe we could re-attach them.

Or is they any way we can edit them, even if they won't show as inline?

I don't actually care if they are inline, but I would like to be able to change the pictures. I can change the text of the post.

Based on what you have said, it looks like my best bet is to create a complete new build thread with the edited pictures, then delete the text of the old thread except for putting in a link to the new one.

This seems a bit extreme to me, but if there is no other way...

Thanks again for all the work you have done. I really do like the new search features.
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This is a very nice and helpful tutorial, seoguy.

Thanks Warske!

I am confused, though. Wasn't that covered in this thread by rog8811:...

Warske, I'm about to get some much-needed sleep, so a more detailed response will have to wait until later.

But to quickly answer yr question - no, this is not the same thing that rog8811 had tried in that thread. He was basically wrapping the attachment pgm inside of an IMG tag in the post. So the picture was still being sucked-through the attachment.php program, and thus still had some of the same problems.

I had an idea how to do this b4, but it was not possible until after we got access to old LPF. That was one of reasons I had requested it! ;)
...to quickly answer yr question - no, this is not the same thing that rog8811 had tried in that thread.
Thanks, seoguy, I hadn't realized that. Will your method let me edit or delete these pictures?

Thanks for your help.
seoguy, I understand now what your method is doing.

I did some tests on the old LPF which suggests that vBulletin has its own (copied) set of attachment files and is not just linking to the old ones.

If that is true, wouldn't it mean that cOld would have to keep the terabytes of old files around forever, because he wouldn't know which were linked to and which he could delete?

Maybe that isn't a problem, but does he know he might have to do that?

I have successfully attached pictures to old posts in the new vBulletin without any problem, and they work just like the pictures attached in the new posts. But those old posts didn't originally have any attahcments.

If we could only delete the old attached files, I think we could re-attach them and everything would work.

We need to be able to delete and edit those attachements in any case.

Just a thought. Thanks for all the hard work.
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Damn, Warske, you hit me with multiple posts with such a barage of confusing questions, now you have even me confused! :p

But my greater concern is that this is all brand-new for everybody, so I went to great time and effort to make this process as simple as possible; and by hitting this thread with so much confusion all at once (to the point of even making multiple, back-to-back posts!) before the "ink is even dry" on this brand-new tutorial, and more importantly, before members have even had a chance to try this out / learn how to do this, is likely confusing the hell out of some of the members, and making this all a lot more complicated than it needs to be!

But to answer your questions -

First off, as I repeated twice in my original post, this only works for the older posts/pictures that were converted-over from YaBB. More specifically, it was designed to solve the serious problem of not being able to view pictures in literally years of accumulated laser wisdom at LPF!

As I also said, displaying attachments in new posts is a different issue that still needs to be resolved. (I have been looking into that issue is well, and will post a new thread about that later.)

Also, to be clear, I was not involved in the YaBB forum conversion, I do not have "the inside track" as you claim, I am just a member trying to help, so PLEASE do not criticize me for not yet fixing "other little problems" with someone else's software!

Yes, you can delete/edit these, the same as you would for any other inline images.

With regards to your unfounded criticisms, RE: storage space, forgive me, but not only do you appear to be going out of your way to find fault with this tutorial (I did some tests???
), but it actually seems like you are deliberately trying to inflame the situation with c0ld! :(

I went to a HUGE amount of effort to get us this ability, and I think a lot of members (myself included), would be mightly pissed if you talked c0ld into preventing us from being able to fix our own pictures! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

However (luckily for us!), your criticisms on this issue are invalid...

This does not utilize any additional space, it simply takes advantage of data we already have. :)

The conversion process itself caused some duplication, this actually fixed that problem, and actually saves space :cool:, by allowing both systems to share the same file. Once the pictures are fixed, the user can then delete the unneeded duplicate file, thus reducing disk usage.

While I understand there is a bug that is preventing ppl from deleting some attachments (don't complain to me, I don't have anything to do with that!), all that is doing is preventing us from saving some space from unneeded attachments, and once it is fixed, even that goes away! :)

Furthermore, applying this fix automatically to the converted posts (as I suggested might be possible), would eliminate the problem entirely, saving massive amounts of space in the process! :cool:

In addition, as already detailed in my original post, this approach also reduces the load on c0ld's server, which is a far more important and costly issue for a highly popular web site, especially one that gets as many visitors and traffic as LPF! :cool:

Regarding your dismissive (and false) implications that this tutorial won't work, so if "there is no other way", ppl should apparently just ignore it and follow your advice instead?

I don't actually care if they are inline...

That's fine, but that's not the only problem we're dealing with here...

it looks like my best bet is to create a complete new...thread...

This seems a bit extreme to me, but if there is no other way...

That is not only extreme, it is also INCORRECT!!!

If we could only delete the old attached files, I think we could re-attach them and everything would work.

NO, it would NOT!

PLEASE do not advice other ppl to do that!

That approach suffers from the same main problem as what rog8811 had tried - over 80% of the vistors to LPF will not be able to see your pictures at all!!!

If that is OK by you, then by all means you are certainly free to do whatever you wish.

But please don't come into this tutorial, and advise ppl to ignore it and follow off the cliff behind you instead!

Before you post any more unfair (and incorrect) criticisms / confusing questions about this tutorial, might I suggest you TRY DOING IT FIRST before you attack it, as most of the questions you raised would have been answered if you had done so!

Worst part is, I was working on something else that everybody will probably find useful, but that got delayed so I could respond to all of your multiple criticisms/posts! C0ld's now taken the server down to change something, so that may get delayed until at least tomorrow. :(

And like I said, all of this is likely confusing the hell out of some of the less technically minded members that were just trying to learn how to do this new tutorial! So if you have any more questions Warske, please PM me.

And for those of you that DID get confused by any of this -

Just follow the steps in the tutorial - it does work!

(In fact, the example pics were actually from me doing this on one of my own converted posts! ;))
Warske, when I read the above, I thought this was perhaps just a misunderstanding as a result of all of the stress we have both been under lately (trying to deal with major problems associated with the move and all), and that perhaps I had misjudged you -

I was not trying to criticize you....I did not mean to be dismissive or imply that your tutorial won't work. I think you have misunderstood me...

But then I discovered that, contrary to what you stated above, you are now attacking this tutorial in a different thread, in a post addressed directly to c0ld! -


Not only does this not fix the problem of editing, but it is likely to cause you problems down the road. (I have years of experience as a Software Engineer developing server software for web applications, so I'm not clueless in this area.)

But I guess perhaps clueless about honesty & integrity, eh?

When you said that you wanted to take the discussion of any concerns out of this thread, I assumed you were taking me up on my offer to PM me, NOT go into a different thread and criticize my work behind my back!!!

With regards to your "I have years of experience" so you should listen to me instead B.S., as I will detail in that other thread, I am MORE THAN HAPPY to match my experience/expertise against yours!

Apparently this practice of making multiple posts b4 someone can even respond (which I already chastised you for doing in this thread) is an on-going thing for you, as I now see that you have already posted a second attack in that other thread b4 I even had a chance to respond to your first one, calling part of this tutorial...

"simply nonsense"

Kinda hard to "misunderstand" that!

If you are going to attack my work, then


in this thread!

Not a weasel that says one thing here, and then stabs me in the back in another thread!
attachments have been fixed!!=) finally took me a month to figure it out, 0x0a hex char corrupting the file names, but the data was not hurt

all is fixed after a simple SQL query
big props to vbulletin too for helping w/ the issue
c0ld, do you think you could get rid of the onmouseover on the picture attachments? accidentally hover over a picture for a second and a huge bloated javascript popup thing covers the page. that's really annoying, especially if you're using your keyboard to scroll and a picture scrolls by your mouse cursor, making you have to go grab the mouse to close the annoying picture popup.
yeah i can make it so u need to click the picture, not hover it
