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FrozenGate by Avery

How many watts could i fit into a 2 foot long half inch wide "pen" housing?

Well, noobs do frequently propose some pretty....impractical things. Most of them go away after they learn lasers aren't magic, and no, you can't build a lightsaber. But a few show some willingness to learn and turn into serious laser hobbyists. It seems to me the best way to discern between the two groups is to answer some noob questions, as long as what is being proposed isn't absurdly dangerous.

2 feet long and half an inch wide :LOL::ROFLMAO:🤪

Since your here for help, explain what this is for and why those dimensions are needed.
Like i said its none of your concern, this is a group project and all im going to say is the dimensions are required for the device ill be mounting it too as specified to me by my mate, and no im not telling you what the device is.. Nor will i continue to conversate with you, the other lad on this forum has been helpful but youve been a total dick man.. I didnt come here to prove a point or to hear your jokes i came here for answers and instead of helping me out despite how silly the idea is you instead write a whole paragraph taking the piss out of my question like a little kid
Well, noobs do frequently propose some pretty....impractical things. Most of them go away after they learn lasers aren't magic, and no, you can't build a lightsaber. But a few show some willingness to learn and turn into serious laser hobbyists. It seems to me the best way to discern between the two groups is to answer some noob questions, as long as what is being proposed isn't absurdly dangerous.
Well i will say i am new to this stuff and kinda noobish.. But i am indeed facinated by lasers and electronics in general, i dont think they are magic however, i understand how my question might have sounded silly and impractical, but afterall these projects arnt meant to be practical lol, i could see how a housing of that size might seem stupid but it could be useful in certain applications
Knowing the purpose of your device and the reasons for it's very odd dimensions will help us to help you.

The fact that you know so very little suggests that you could also benefit from our opinions as to the dimensions of your housing, you may not actually need a 24 inch long 1/2 inch wide housing, there may be another way, a better way.......why would you want our help on every aspect except on the very odd dimensions of your housing ?

It suggests you don't actually have a need for such an odd housing and/or can't think up any valid application for it, what you said was

" the length of the housing is required so it can fit the implacation im mounting it to "

That's not enough information for us to properly help you, we can likely give you suggestions on a better way.

Also there's a concern that you may have a nefarious intention in mind, or a dangerous intention, this could easily be the case when someone asks for technical help but won't reveal details as to the reason for a device, for all we know you may be wanting to make a torture device to stick inside someone....... or maybe you're making a weapon to carry up your jacket sleeve....... thin diameter, 2 feet long, you want as much output power as you can get in this form factor.....yes I think we should know the reason for this form factor.

Nobody here want's to unwittingly help you make something to hurt someone, so sharing the reason for your rather unusual housing dimensions is just a matter of courtesy and it helps us to help you.


P.S. While people here do like to help, myself included, we don't spoon feed step by step instructions, each person is responsible for what they build and for knowing the laws in their area, that said we do encourage people to learn and emphasizes on laser safety, what we don't do is spoon feed step by step instructions for many good reasons.

Again, sharing the purpose of your build is just good manners and it helps us to help you......and before you call me out for my manners, yes I pegged you as a troll from the start and poked fun at you, but rather than taking the high road and sharing the reasons/purpose for your odd dimensions, you have acted as if we own you answers without you providing answers yourself, so I will not give you an apology for my sometimes odd sense of levity, you didn't earn it.
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Although I'm hoping my tone isn't quite as rough as the post above, I agree 100% with the idea that stating, at least generally, your purpose, will help tremendously in giving useful advice rather than people just saying "why not try something else?"

If the answer is simply lasers are cool and I want a huge bright laser, then that'd be my recommendation as well. Yes, lasers are cool and part of me also wants a huge laser, but there are serious safety concerns here, and if you end up injuring someone (including yourself) after getting advice from us on how to do it, then it could reflect quite poorly on our community here.
The only practical use I can think of for that form factor would be a boresight for a .60 cal'.
Knowing the purpose of your device and the reasons for it's very odd dimensions will help us to help you.

The fact that you know so very little suggests that you could also benefit from our opinions as to the dimensions of your housing, you may not actually need a 24 inch long 1/2 inch wide housing, there may be another way, a better way.......why would you want our help on every aspect except on the very odd dimensions of your housing ?

It suggests you don't actually have a need for such an odd housing and/or can't think up any valid application for it, what you said was

" the length of the housing is required so it can fit the implacation im mounting it to "

That's not enough information for us to properly help you, we can likely give you suggestions on a better way.

Also there's a concern that you may have a nefarious intention in mind, or a dangerous intention, this could easily be the case when someone asks for technical help but won't reveal details as to the reason for a device, for all we know you may be wanting to make a torture device to stick inside someone....... or maybe you're making a weapon to carry up your jacket sleeve....... thin diameter, 2 feet long, you want as much output power as you can get in this form factor.....yes I think we should know the reason for this form factor.

Nobody here want's to unwittingly help you make something to hurt someone, so sharing the reason for your rather unusual housing dimensions is just a matter of courtesy and it helps us to help you.


P.S. While people here do like to help, myself included, we don't spoon feed step by step instructions, each person is responsible for what they build and for knowing the laws in their area, that said we do encourage people to learn and emphasizes on laser safety, what we don't do is spoon feed step by step instructions for many good reasons.

Again, sharing the purpose of your build is just good manners and it helps us to help you......and before you call me out for my manners, yes I pegged you as a troll from the start and poked fun at you, but rather than taking the high road and sharing the reasons/purpose for your odd dimensions, you have acted as if we own you answers without you providing answers yourself, so I will not give you an apology for my sometimes odd sense of levity, you didn't earn it.
Well i appreciate you coming at me in a more respectful manner than before, and yes i understand your concerns and i might be a pain in the ass on this forum due to my relatively new experience with electronics, but please dont talk to me like a child we are all grown men here.. Maybe if you came at me more respectfully the first time we would get along but quite frankly i dont think we will mate, and for once if your going to be nosy atleast get to know me first instead of demanding reasons and answers from me after being a total dick.
Yea, 2 foot long by half inch wide pen housing........I'm still calling bullshit on this one.
Although I'm hoping my tone isn't quite as rough as the post above, I agree 100% with the idea that stating, at least generally, your purpose, will help tremendously in giving useful advice rather than people just saying "why not try something else?"

If the answer is simply lasers are cool and I want a huge bright laser, then that'd be my recommendation as well. Yes, lasers are cool and part of me also wants a huge laser, but there are serious safety concerns here, and if you end up injuring someone (including yourself) after getting advice from us on how to do it, then it could reflect quite poorly on our community here.
Thats understandable, i wont let your imagination run far and since youve been respectful so far i guess you deserve some answers lol, well me and a group of mates from colledge are doing this as sort of group project, more like a competition to see whats the craziest electronical contraptions we can come up with, mainly for shits and giggles, im teamed up with my other mate alex and we chose lasers as our go to (and yes we have taken the right safety measures), one of our project ideas involves mounting a laser on this sort of big wall lamp thing, kind of like a huge tripod, judging from the size of the lamp a 2 foot (1.8 feet) housing makes the most sense for this
Thats understandable, i wont let your imagination run far and since youve been respectful so far i guess you deserve some answers lol, well me and a group of mates from colledge are doing this as sort of group project, more like a competition to see whats the craziest electronical contraptions we can come up with, mainly for shits and giggles, im teamed up with my other mate alex and we chose lasers as our go to (and yes we have taken the right safety measures), one of our project ideas involves mounting a laser on this sort of big wall lamp thing, kind of like a huge tripod, judging from the size of the lamp a 2 foot (1.8 feet) housing makes the most sense for this

What a load of crapola. Get lost troll.
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What a load of crapola. Get lost troll.......oh, and stick it up your ass.
Yeah ok buddy, like i got time to sit on my ass for you and make a load of bullcrap on this forum, your the only one here creating issues from thin air, great way to treat your new members eh?
