I picked up a 200mW 650nm (red) waterproof focusable laser from Laserlands a few weeks ago and it burns white paper quite well even when not focused perfectly. It is model 601-T which is $60 w/ free shipping. Very ruggedly built, thick aluminum housing, clean deep threads, can't addicently disassemble the focusing head (which would negate the water proofing), and even has a second glass protection lens after the focusing lens, which I find important in a "go pack" laser.
Since then I learned about (and started purchasing from) Lazerer which has many similar lasers for less money, but wanted to point you in both directions. Always go with the lowest power necessary for safety.
In a real survival situation you may not have access to laser goggles, and a 1W laser will leave you blind if you try to burn paper with it unprotected. Now, I am NOT saying you can stare at a 200mW laser trying to burn paper and it won't damage your eyesight either, as it would, but it would be less risky. You'd probably have to try to set the laser down at the right distance from the paper/kindling with it off, then turn it on and look away while it ignites (hopefully), and then turn it off and try again with a different distance. I might be comfortable doing that if absolutely needed with a 200mW laser, but I wouldn't try it with a 1W.
As said before, for starting a fire, there are much better tools.
Personally, my 200mW red "survival tool" laser is for wild animal protection and night adapted vision augmentation. With a properly defocused (diverged) 650nm beam you can safely use it as a spotlight to see in the distance when your eyes are dark adapted without screwing up your dark adaptation. And should you encounter a bear or wolf or what have you (we have those up here) you could temporarily flash blind it or drive it away enough to escape.