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How is this possible? laser emmits light with no power going through.

Ever touch the signal lead of an oscilloscope to your body? It'll register a signal. Even multimeters will pick up a reading. Just make sure you don't use this fact against your interests and fry one of your components.

Yeah I know, I just didn't know that a low voltage (~4v) would conduct thru my body. It was a interesting experience anyways :p
Thanks again dude.
Ever touch the signal lead of an oscilloscope to your body? It'll register a signal. Even multimeters will pick up a reading. Just make sure you don't use this fact against your interests and fry one of your components.

hmm.. true enough.
When I touch mine it causes this mess of a waveform:


I wonder though how a few hundred millivolts at almost no current will cause a diode to glow though. I thought LDs had certain thresholds that needed to be met in order to cause them to emit any light?
