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How I made my Avatar

Jul 16, 2017
A few pics of the setup I used to create my current Avatar. Lasers were set up on my workbench, pointed at some 1st surface mirrors mounted to the wall. Reflected down to 2 polyhedrons comprised of 1st surface mirrors. The 1st set is a triangular prism, with 1 open end 'accepting' the incoming beams, and the other open end butted up against a truncated triangular pyramid. Both sets have the reflective surfaces all pointed inward for obvious reasons :D I wish I had taken more pictures with this setup. Hope you dig 'em!

IMG_4308 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMG_4321 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMG_4313 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

IMG_4316~2 by Lewie Wilkinson, on Flickr

Oh, I see you do have some prisms. Nice effect. It looks like you had to try photos from many angles to get the shot you wanted.
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Thank you all! :beer:

IIRC, that orange-ish/yellowish beam is actually a LG DVD 24x diode. I only had that red (650nm?), the DPSS 473nm and a green of some sort in this shot - so the one in question is the same beam as the one that is without-a-doubt red. The angle / camera settings did that as it was bouncing off the wall-mounted mirror, on its way to the 2 groups of mirrors below - pretty awesome.
Very nice shots. I love creative laser use.

And how I made my avatar? Just random result during holographic laserpainting technique. I'm writing my next issue of TaoLiim, where some secrets of Project A are presented. There is interesting math and science behind my art, so I hope it will improve understanding how our universe works. Math, logic, science, art, psychology and Complexity Philosophy with experiments will be included in next TaoLiim. ;)
