I am actually going to a specialist today. Will Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, PA. Supposidly one of the best in the country, I hope. The grey dot has not gone away and its been almost 2 days now.... My brain is adjusting to it so I can read better now with both eyes open than yesterday, where everything was a blurr unless i read with just my undamaged right eye. I really am annoyed by this tho, people shouldnt mess around with lasers without safety equipment and never let people who know nothing about them handle them as in the case of my sorta friend.
yesterday the dot i see was purely grey on all color surfaces, now the dot changes color ussually to match what ever surface its not, tho still covers up words. Right now its grey b/c of the forum color. My background is blue however and the dot is hardly noticable looking at it. Also if I get real close to the monitor the dot gets so small i can read fine with my left eye, but i mean really close eye to screen almost. I believe the damage I sustained to my left eye is in the Macula and/or Fovea region of the back of the eye mostly used for fine detail focusing and reading..... Sigh! Atleast there is no physical pain, which id rather have b/c it means i would have had damage to the outter eye which heals by itself. I may press charges against the person that did it to me, but it was an accident and all my friends have to either side with me or them... so a big drama will ensue. ya I dont wanna really waste money on lawyers and etc..