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Hit by a red laser beam

Jul 23, 2014
I don't know what to do ; I am hit by a red laser and I don't have an idea about its specs but it has red spectrum.I don't think it's 10 mW or above but I have some kinda flashlight on my left eye . The kid showed up in all of a sudden and i got shot multiple times( 6 or more ) from the distance of appx 5 feet . but every hit lasted about 1 second max. Do you think that i have serious problem in my eye ?

If you still see a dark spot you should go see an eye doctor.
If there is any damage, an eye doctor can prescribe drops to help repair some damage.
Nobody can diagnose your eye here, go to the eye doctor.
Wait, some random kid ran up to you and shined a laser in your eye?! Did you respond by kicking him in the face? Because you should have.

The only way to tell for sure if you have permanent damage is to go see an ophthalmologist. I hope its nothing serious :( do you have any burrs (spots) in your vision? If you dont, and the only symptom you have is a sore eye(s), theres a good chsnce the pain will fade after a few days, but I would still go get checked out if you can.

Do you know who the kid was? Surely you could report him somewhere, seems like he could get in legal trouble, but then again im not sure of the laws in Greece.
If you still see a dark spot you should go see an eye doctor.
If there is any damage, an eye doctor can prescribe drops to help repair some damage.
Nobody can diagnose your eye here, go to the eye doctor.

I 'm not realising any kinds of dark spot but my complete vision is a bit blurred and I can't focus on something , i.e. objects etc. :(

But I guess five or six feet is not enough to make any damage or am I wrong ? I mean the output power is much more strong according to the distance which i am hit .

I hope retina can recover itself , if not i might have lost some retina cells :( :'(
Wait, some random kid ran up to you and shined a laser in your eye?! Did you respond by kicking him in the face? Because you should have.

The only way to tell for sure if you have permanent damage is to go see an ophthalmologist. I hope its nothing serious :( do you have any burrs (spots) in your vision? If you dont, and the only symptom you have is a sore eye(s), theres a good chsnce the pain will fade after a few days, but I would still go get checked out if you can.

Do you know who the kid was? Surely you could report him somewhere, seems like he could get in legal trouble, but then again im not sure of the laws in Greece.

I don't actually see any spots in my vision but I feel awful psychologically.I mean I wouldn't feel better if i grabbed and kicked the kid :D

Damage's done if there's any.. and I don't think I can rewind . And that little kid was on the window of his house and pointed the laser direct in my eyes . It was red laser pointer . Do you think these (red spectrum lasers ) can damage an eye ? I mean I don't think it's pricey and it may be below 1 mW
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If you continue to have abnormal vision after a few days you should definitely see a doctor... seeing a greenish afterimage right after you were hit by the laser is normal, but if after a few days you have a blind spot or a fuzzy dot in your vision then you need to get that checked out

If it's like a cheap $5 laser pointer from the local store then I wouldn't be too concerned, you most likely won't have any eye damage
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If you continue to have abnormal vision after a few days you should definitely see a doctor... seeing a greenish afterimage right after you were hit by the laser is normal, but if after a few days you have a blind spot or a fuzzy dot in your vision then you need to get that checked out

If it's like a cheap $5 laser pointer from the local store then I wouldn't be too concerned, you most likely won't have any eye damage

Yes .. I can't tell this abnormal vision is because of my high myopia or the laser :(

I have -9.75 and above myopia in my both eyes and I was wearing my glasses when the incident ocurred . Of course this glasses is not special for laser beams but i'm guessing maybe it could ease the damage .
Don't make any assumptions. but having blurry vision or after images is normal after exposure to bright light sources, as well as nausea and dizziness and headaches. best thing to do is close your eyes for a few minutes and see if it goes away. if it hasn't gone away within a few hours or at max a day, you should definitely have your eyes checked. waiting will only make it worse/harder to repair. eye healing is rapid and will usually result in bad things. having an eye specialist inspect your eyes is highly recommended, especially if your see black spots in your vision or blurry spots that don't go away.
Lenses can make the damage worse. You really should go see a doctor, especially given the duration of the blinding. Also you need to do it soon, because your eyes will soon try to repair the damage and compensate for problems, which may make the result more permanent (e.g. scarring).

Maybe sue those little shits too if the doctor discovers anything.
And that little kid was on the window of his house and pointed the laser direct in my eyes .

Thus you know where he lives, get there with a SWAT team :gun: and confiscate a laser.

You'll feel better by seeing a doctor who would tell a truth about your eye's condition. Otherwise get a bunch of fresh carrots and put proper glasses :whistle:
If someone came up to me with a laser and deliberately shined it in my eyes I would respond with enough force to put them in the hospital, for a while.

I value my eyesite as much as my life and would treat a threat to my eyesite exactly the same as a threat to my life.

OP go see a doctor NOW.
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+1 on what Rifter said on all counts. Treasure your eye sight and get to a doctor. Even if you don't think you need too.
Rifter, how humane of you, I would be temped to demostrate to that person what a laser pointer to the eye is like, perhaps with my 3.5 watt 445 nm laser
Rifter, how humane of you, I would be temped to demostrate to that person what a laser pointer to the eye is like, perhaps with my 3.5 watt 445 nm laser

If I had anything that powerful I would consider that option as well :)

Seriously though don't you guys find it disturbing that someone would even do such a thing? I mean binding someone is almost worse than killing them, takes a special kinda psycho to deliberately blind someone imo.
The little kid on his window? You know that it is not powerful? So you know something about lasers!? You stood there and let him do it another 5 times? I would be getting more than your eyes checked because there is something wrong, or maybe you are just a Troll!?
Your eye problem looks bit serious and I think you should consult ophthalmologist for eye check-up.As I also didn't took my eye problem seriously ,now I am suffering from Myopia,its better to consult the doctor once for check up.As now I have to carry glasses all the time and usually I purchase my glasses from Wholesale Reading Glasses .
