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FrozenGate by Avery

Help! Please! Emergency!! <5w 532nm laser

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Apr 21, 2017
Both of my eyes have a small blind spot due to my laser shining in my eye for a second. It's like the after effects from staring at a bright light, both are very small but can make focusing difficult. I'm fearful these will be permanent. The laser hit both eyes by accident. Mainly my right eye. Each day the severaity gets less and less but it's starting to not slow down as rapidly, will this go away? Will I be able to join the military? Will my eyes be able to operate with only one open? Please help!!!!!

Both of my eyes have a small blind spot due to my laser shining in my eye for a second. It's like the after effects from staring at a bright light, both are very small but can make focusing difficult. I'm fearful these will be permanent. The laser hit both eyes by accident. Mainly my right eye. Each day the severaity gets less and less but it's starting to not slow down as rapidly, will this go away? Will I be able to join the military? Will my eyes be able to operate with only one open? Please help!!!!!

If you are not just a demented troll/brain damaged idiot---go to a hospital emergeny room or eye MD/Ophthalmologist.
Nothing anyone here can know, do, or answer about any of it here.

Go to a qualified MD not a laser hobby web site obviously.
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Doubt this is serious, if it is serious then your place is at a hospital or clinic, not LPF. Thread closed.

Edit: you called it, Alaskan :p
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