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Help on a 2011 Wicked Laser E2

Mar 26, 2016
I acquired a 2011 Wicked Laser E2 with the model number MTS5322E.

I'm wondering what kind of power it should have - it won't light a blackened match, not a hole in a blacked out paper. It does shine a tight line at night. I'm using fresh lithium batteries.

Is there any way to tell what the actual power of the labor is based on the serial or model number? It's not as powerful as I thought it would be- and the model number matches with other E2s and a Krypton Spyder III I've seen online.

It seems a lot more underpowered than I expected (in terms of heat).

Hello Michifan,

The serial number on a laser won't tell you the *exact* power it outputs, keyword exact. While you may be able to contact Wicked Lasers and ask what was the power range for this particular laser you'll be left with a huge gap. i.e: 300mW-500mW.

Member styropyro has a great YouTube video showing what different power levels of 532nm light can accomplish, try some of these out and see what happens. Do remember to wear proper safety goggles! :yh:

Video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=woiTedSKPrk

If a green laser won't light a match when focused, it's below 60mw. Most chinese lasers are 15-40mw with a few exceptions at 50, 60 and if you're a lucky son of a gun, 70-80mw. This is filtered raw green light. You might want to ask a willing member to measure your laser for you. I think there's a map of where they are. The E2 was rated from 25-75mw.
By the way, please post a welcome thread in the welcome section
it should say on the label how much mW it has thats missing ?
Easy 2 step fix.
#1 Place WL product in trash can.
#2 Buy real laser. :p

I'm just kiddin ya, but seriously, WL's name is mud.
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I don't think the E2 was focusable and that is part of the problem. A 532nm has great divergence but I don't see very many pen type being offered that come focusable. You could try shining it through a magnifiing glass and see if that helps. Don't know if the E2 came with an IR filter or not but I doubt it. Why I say that is a % of that lasers output is going to be infrared and they may have counted that as part of the rated output of your unit which doesn't help it's burning capability.
