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FrozenGate by Avery

Help Needed: Accurate laser for aiming

Even if you have a license and a mishap occurs you will be subject to all sorts of legal issues. If you are only using this with one person on the field and that person is trained in the possible dangers you should be able to mitigate them.
Of course Paul mishaps happen, but having a variance would present one less pain in the ass legal woe.

As I stated earlier and RedCowboy said in caps. Know the federal law. Typically lasers over 5mW require one to obtain a variance which is a license to operate such a laser in a commercial enterprise. The appropriate form can be obtained from the CDRH as I recall. If you don't have a license and there is a mishap that opens you up to legal troubles.
As I stated earlier and RedCowboy said in caps. Know the federal law. Typically lasers over 5mW require one to obtain a variance which is a license to operate such a laser in a commercial enterprise. The appropriate form can be obtained from the CDRH as I recall. If you don't have a license and there is a mishap that opens you up to legal troubles.

Thanks for constructive input. Legal department will take care of this. Its great that some here stress the legalities and safety. While others seem to take my questions too personally.

Mods please close this thread before Cowboy have an aneurysm or heart attack. Thanks to all for the input.
never experienced it. but this is a very interesting discussion to follow
LED is better than metal halide and getting even better every day, more efficient and longer lasting, deal with it old school your dinosaur light bulb had it's day.

This is from 2015, by now metal halide is just a memory, LED WINS

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