Obvious new guy here.
Does anyone know where I can buy an affordable, 532nm, true-5mW laser?
I have read through A Guide To Buying Your First Green Laser but the links to websites seem largely outdated and/or broken. I know it is a lot of work to keep up with this type of thing, but unfortunately the original thread is over 5 years old now.
I really appreciate this community already because I started my laser seeking adventure by looking for a 100mw+ laser as my first, but am now simply seeking a 5mW laser to start out with. The forum's concern with safety really convinced me - great job forum! I might be being too overcautious after reading all the safety info on the forum, but I am seeking now looking for a laser with an IR filter just in case (feel free to talk me out of this considering the low mW).
Again, if anyone knows where I can buy an affordable, true 5mW 532nm laser, I would really appreciate it. :yh:
EDIT: Affordable = less than $25
Obvious new guy here.
Does anyone know where I can buy an affordable, 532nm, true-5mW laser?
I have read through A Guide To Buying Your First Green Laser but the links to websites seem largely outdated and/or broken. I know it is a lot of work to keep up with this type of thing, but unfortunately the original thread is over 5 years old now.
I really appreciate this community already because I started my laser seeking adventure by looking for a 100mw+ laser as my first, but am now simply seeking a 5mW laser to start out with. The forum's concern with safety really convinced me - great job forum! I might be being too overcautious after reading all the safety info on the forum, but I am seeking now looking for a laser with an IR filter just in case (feel free to talk me out of this considering the low mW).
Again, if anyone knows where I can buy an affordable, true 5mW 532nm laser, I would really appreciate it. :yh:
EDIT: Affordable = less than $25
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