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Group buy for 16X dvd burner diodes !

  • Thread starter Thread starter SenKat
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Daedal said:
[quote author=yuip link=1183788027/105#109 date=1184164003]Crap, I waited too long. I meant to send in my money last night.  :-[ Oh well. SenKat, let me know if there is any way I can get 3 diodes.

Thanks man.

Aaah... the good 'ol eBay trick of waiting till the last second... :P  That doesn't work here unfortunately  ;)  Hope SenKat can squeeze you in though  :)


Well, really I have been wanting to send the money since Sunday night but always got caught up playing with my greenies. I hope to God that he will be able to get me 3 or 4, but I'll take whatever I can get. Hopefully that won't mean not getting any at all! :P

Guys, this is so exciting... Lasers, on a superficial level, almost seem like a waste of money, but I know I spent my cash well. Actually, I questionably graduated a bit ago (I am a special case... it would take too long to explain, but its a good special!) and my grandparents kind "donation" covers almost all my laser expenses; Its not actually my money now! 8-)

I am so giddy I cant stop shakin! ;D ;D ;D

Again, thanks so much for doing this! I cannot wait to get these!
SenKat said:
Yuip - order away !  I guess you missed my answer to your post ?

Whew, yes I did miss your post. Thanks so much Greg! You're the best! Just sent the money for 5 diodes! I decided to get a few more than I needed since I almost missed out this time... now I will have 8 working diodes.
Hi Xenodius,
Congratulations on whatever you graduated on. You have good grandparents and I am sure you deserve it. I think the most satisfying part of all of this is the satisfaction we all get from building our own lasers. Even though my first, and so far only laser is mounted in a big flashlight, I can take pride in knowing I did it, and I can do it again. I really am looking forward to these diodes and am happy I was able to get in on the group buy. The specs on these diodes are very good. Thanks to Greg for making this possible.
Yay! Greg! Yay! Greg! Yipeee! Greg! Yipeee! Greg! thanks to you we will all be bathed in RED! this is how I express my exuberance and glee at getting these diodes. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D ;D :D ;D :D
Hi Greg,

Hope it's not too late and you see this before your bank run.  I sent funds for 3.  I forgot to throw in the order last night.

If it is, i MIGHT consider providing additional funds to get one of the broken laser pointers (I'm undecided on that one still).  I have on order for one of the non broken pointer from you right now.

Gazoo said:
Hi Xenodius,
Congratulations on whatever you graduated on. You have good grandparents and I am sure you deserve it. I think the most satisfying part of all of this is the satisfaction we all get from building our own lasers. Even though my first, and so far only laser is mounted in a big flashlight, I can take pride in knowing I did it, and I can do it again. I really am looking forward to these diodes and am happy I was able to get in on the group buy. The specs on these diodes are very good. Thanks to Greg for making this possible.

Technically, I am still in high school; I finished all my core classes a couple years and have been taking college accredited classes for 2 years now, 2 more to go. So... they figured thats close enough! ;) But yeah, I know, there is lots of satisfaction to be gained in making a pointer yourself. I wonder how hard it would be to make your owndiodes... ROTFL! 8-) 8-) 8-) >.>

Not only is this a fun project and a cool toy to mess around (safely) with, but its actually somewhat useful for me too, since I don't have a good way to light my stars from a distance, and a little black powder coat would take care of that really well! (takes 3 seconds or so of direct low-temp flame to light them normally)

I REALLY want to post a video of the laser at, say, 15ft focus aimed at about 1g of unconfined flash powder on the ground. I lit 15g inside a pringles can with a foam ball on top, and it shot smoke about 40 feet high and threw the ball about 60-70!

You can get *everything* you need to make flash powder on ebay... ;D I got mine back before the Firefox ban though! 8-)

And again, thanks SO much Greg! Cant wait to post some videos of the whole thing!
Well kudos for all you have accomplished thus far Xenodius and keep at it!

Yeah, burning is fun... ;D But I gotta tell you, I don't know if you have seen a high powered red beam in person, but it is awesome! I find myself looking at mine every evening. Anyway I will be looking forward to your vids...it sounds like fun. I need to get a decent camera...I only have the ones in my cell phones and they are useless for getting pics or vids of the beam.
I know this probably isn't the best place to put this but since we are all keeping an eye on the GB for the diodes I figured right here would be the best place initially.

SenKat has asked me to post for him as he is currently busy. He has been laid off from his job so will be experiencing some financial difficulties in the near future if he cannot secure a job quickly. (presently searching for a new job) I was to pass on this information and to let everyone know that the GB is still on.

Repeat: THE GB IS STILL ON!. for those of us that have purchased diodes we can expect to see them as well as the REd Sentorches. The broken one's we've been kinda hoping for most likely will be sent back.

As to what is going to happen with SenKat, that remains to be seen but he will have a bunch of his laser equipment up for sale here in the near future.

I personally would like to send out my support to senkat and stand behind him. I know that doesn't mean much in the real world where money is more important that support but I'm there for ya! We I am sure will all stand behind ya man and hope for the best.
Kenom said:
I know this probably isn't the best place to put this but since we are all keeping an eye on the GB for the diodes I figured right here would be the best place initially.

SenKat has asked me to post for him as he is currently busy.  He has been laid off from his job so will be experiencing some financial difficulties in the near future if he cannot secure a job quickly. (presently searching for a new job)  I was to pass on this information and to let everyone know that the GB is still on.

Repeat: THE GB IS STILL ON!.  for those of us that have purchased diodes we can expect to see them as well as the REd Sentorches.  The broken one's we've been kinda hoping for most likely will be sent back.  

As to what is going to happen with SenKat, that remains to be seen but he will have a bunch of his laser equipment up for sale here in the near future.  

I personally would like to send out my support to senkat and stand behind him. I know that doesn't mean much in the real world where money is more important that support but I'm there for ya! We I am sure will all stand behind ya man and hope for the best.

I AGREE! SenKat, I'm here too. Even though I haven't know you for long, I consider you a true friend. I know there's nothing I can do for you, but I sure wish I could!
acro-ii said:
[quote author=Kenom link=1183788027/120#121 date=1184186490]I know this probably isn't the best place to put this but since we are all keeping an eye on the GB for the diodes I figured right here would be the best place initially.

SenKat has asked me to post for him as he is currently busy.  He has been laid off from his job so will be experiencing some financial difficulties in the near future if he cannot secure a job quickly. (presently searching for a new job)  I was to pass on this information and to let everyone know that the GB is still on.

Repeat: THE GB IS STILL ON!.  for those of us that have purchased diodes we can expect to see them as well as the REd Sentorches.  The broken one's we've been kinda hoping for most likely will be sent back.  

As to what is going to happen with SenKat, that remains to be seen but he will have a bunch of his laser equipment up for sale here in the near future.  

I personally would like to send out my support to senkat and stand behind him.  I know that doesn't mean much in the real world where money is more important that support but I'm there for ya!  We I am sure will all stand behind ya man and hope for the best.

I AGREE!  SenKat, I'm here too.  Even though I haven't know you for long, I consider you a true friend.  I know there's nothing I can do for you, but I sure wish I could!

Dang, that sucks Greg. I agree with all the comments above. I truly hope you find a good job soon! Good luck, man!
Yeah, that sucks. Good luck Greg. If there is anything I can do let me know.
I'm really truly saddened to hear this... This is very unexpected... especially since he said he is dealing with the CoPays for the surgery... :'( :'(

Just thinking about that sends shivers down my spine. I'm really sorry Greg and hope you the best of luck in securing a new and more deserving job for you and your family. I really wish you the very best, we are definitely all here for you and will support in any way possible. I'm sure things will brighten up for you soon. I'm personally praying for you. Just have a positive attitude and hope the downtime won't be that long. :-[ :-[ :'( :'(

Best of luck and best wishes;
Greg, Sorry to hear about your misfortune :(

I hope you wind up getting a better job than before.

My neighbor was just laid off this last Friday! It is very saddening to hear about this, but you have my support too! I agree with all above comments!
