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FrozenGate by Avery

Green laser shone into eye, advice appreciated!

May 5, 2013
My partner was walking home tonight and somebody sped past in a car and shone a green laser in his eye. He said he wouldn't have been exposed for longer than a second, and it caused him to blink. He doesn't seem to have any symptoms (so no vision problems, no pain, etc).

After reading up on the dangers of lasers I'm very concerned about the damage that may have been done to my partner's eyes. He doesn't seem too concerned but said that he'll go to a doctor if he gets any symptoms. Should he go regardless? And if he doesn't have any symptoms immediately after exposure, is it unlikely that he'll develop any?

We're located in Australia and currently it's nighttime so there's no chance of anything being open now, so in the meantime, I'd really appreciate any advice you could provide! I'm really hoping it was a lower powered laser but I guess there's no way to know for sure.

Symptoms aren't always noticeable and his vision may decrease slowly, get to an eye doctor as soon as possible! It's terrible that this has happened, lets hope it was a low powered laser and/or no damage was done.
Symptoms aren't always noticeable and his vision may decrease slowly, get to an eye doctor as soon as possible! It's terrible that this has happened, lets hope it was a low powered laser and/or no damage was done.

While I do appreciate Gun's approach to safety (and you guys have free health care) I do not believe it's important to see a doctor in this case.

Being Australia and with such strict laws, it was either a low-powered laser(which will not cause damage under those conditions) or it was a member here and your friend's retinas are roasted mash. lol

It's highly likely it was just a low-powered pointer. I've taken a direct reflection from 450mW of 405nm to the eye from less than a meter. While I certainly did kill some cells, there was no noticeable damage that a doctor could have remedied.

But, as you guys have such good health care, by all means, have your friend see a doctor if you're that concerned.
Thank you both so much for your advice. I was so very worried! My partner rang an optometrist this morning, who said that if there's no pain or redness then there's no need to get it checked. So that is a huge relief. Thanks again :)
Your partner should be fine, no need to worry. If your partner feels like something is wrong, it is at his/her discretion to see a doctor; however, it was most likely a <5mW laser, operated by some high school kid just trying to have some fun messing with others.

These lasers are essentially harmless and can do no real damage unless focused and exposed for prolonged amounts of time.

It is good that you had a concern, and while you are here, you may want to research some safety about lasers - as there are some that can do permanent, blinding damage with just a few seconds of exposure.

Let us know if you have any more questions.
as there are some that can do permanent, blinding damage with just a few seconds of exposure

Make that a few milliseconds. 3W 445nm direct in the eye would not need much time at all. It only takes s split second to fudge up your eyes real good.
Thanks so much :) This forum has been such a useful resource.

It's scary stuff isn't it. I can't believe some people use lasers as toys given how dangerous they can be. Let's hope nothing like this happens again.
It's those idiots that ruin it for everyone here in Australia. They think they are just a toy they can harass people with and not get caught. If they wan't to injure someone, go up and punch them in the face. I am sure the outcome will be different for them... painfully different. I myself am a teen and not afraid to say so. People here know i am not an irresponsible delinquent and i love my hobby. If there is no swelling, your partner should be fine.

Have a good one :beer:
Silly me! ;)

SBA, how did you survive a hit from a 450mW laser, and how did it happen in the first place? :tsk:
I'm not sure why we're discussing this here and I never said I didn't want a high-powered laser...
You said you didn't want one yet and i respect that. We are discussing it here because this is where people go to discuss things :)
Personally I'd still classify 100mW as high-power, but maybe that's just me. Also I don't think this thread is the place to discuss my personal feelings towards lasers :p
Ok, i probably shouldn't derail this thread. Although it is finished.
