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FrozenGate by Avery


Apr 5, 2012
Happy 14th Birthday!
Everyone state how useful google has been to you in the past.
or not? either way.......POST :p


I clicked on here expecting another thread about goggles....

Hmm, let's see, have been using google search since 1999.

Gmail since the beginning, when it was still invite only.

Google maps, at least a few times a month. Same with the navigator.

Heck, I'm even using a variant on chrome as my browser:p

I just wish the company would go and take a more serious look at it's core philosophy of do no evil.
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Like IE Iv'e been using Gmail since the beginning, like he said, when it was invite only.

But as for Google?...for many years I used HotBot as my main search provider. But over the last few years iv'e used Google.

I'm not entirely convinced on Chrome. Iv'e been using it for the last month since Flash 11 point blankly refused to run on Firefox and Win8 for me.
Chrome is my go to browser. It feels faster than FF to me. IE I only use at work, for working with government websites.

Firefox holds the edge in addons IMO though.

Only issue I have noticed with chrome, is it doesn't like to work with PDFs.
In my life, I have learned that the value of something is determined by how well it serves you and how often you use it. Based on that, I wonder why many of google's services are given to people for free. Earth, search engine, some basic examples of google that just make your life easier. :)
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Because they're such a large online entity, the huge amount of revenue they make from advertising and such allows the free services they have. That's why if I ever block ads, I'll always leave the little Google adwords ones.

Only downside to Google is they're taking it up the @$$ from the recording labels in regards to YouTube, they should just tell them to fµ©|{ off :D
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google is the shit plain and simple

:D i use google chrome only. i also use gmail all my old yahoo accounts etc are gone. but one of the best things is google docs, i am proud to say i dont have microsoft word. i only use google docs and i love google drive i have my documents on my phone and any computer that i login into my email with its awesome. BUT WAIT there's more. i use google maps on my phone close to every day it great. also google music is so cool i upload my music to google (20gb free!!!) and then i stream it to my phone.

but yeah happy birthday google you are fucking awesome
Yep, the way they've implemented everything is awesome. Like being able to open tabs from your desktop on Chrome on Android, install apps on your phone from your desktop/laptop etc.

You'd have to be insane to hate on Google. They even have a sense of humor, what more could you want! :D
Yep, the way they've implemented everything is awesome. Like being able to open tabs from your desktop on Chrome on Android, install apps on your phone from your desktop/laptop etc.

You'd have to be insane to hate on Google. They even have a sense of humor, what more could you want! :D

i want the cars i want them now :p but seriously it will be so cool when those are common !
