A lot of people reading that might not know.
So every time you post, you answer for every possible variant of the question? I think not.
Also he said it was a 2W red laser, so I assumed he was talking about a projector. Not everyone on this forum is here to talk about hand helds.
That's funny, here we are on Laser
POINTER Forums, and you think he's talking about projectors? That's just retarded.
Maybe you want to go to a vegan cook out next and talk to them about cooking the perfect steak? I mean it is all food after all?
Pick away. Everyone knows how I role here.
Yup. Everyone knows what you are. You always have been, and always will be. Pretty pathetic that you're actually proud of being a loser troll though.
Were you also the smartest kid on the short bus? It would explain a lot.
You just make yourself look like an idiot stooping to my level.
Hmm, so
you admit to being an idiot? Interesting, so far, terms you've used to describe yourself, @$$hole, Jerk, Idiot, Ball buster, Criminal, Con, ex Con, Disabled(mentally I wonder?) feel free to fill in more.
You have a point though. I mean $hit usually lies pretty low to the ground (about your level right? and mean being a self admitted idiot @$$hole you'd know better so I defer to your greater knowledge of yourself).
I'll do my best to step over you, but sometimes, you know... other people don't clean, up and I'm stuck cleaning my shoe off with a stick.
Plus you dont have the chops to be mean, and ruthless like me.
Ahh, two more adjectives to add to the list

So, let's just keep a tally...
@$$hole, Jerk, Idiot, Ball buster, Criminal, Con, Disabled, Ruthless, Mean. Come on, keep em coming.
In your case though I'll make an exception. Besides, I have no issue with stepping on cockroaches either. I hate bugs.
I get fan mail, LMAO. :eg:
What can I say? Flies also usually congregate over steaming piles of $hit.:shrug: