Same question, me too
Well, I don't know if it would be better to start a new thread, or tag onto this one, but I have the same question that has been asked over and over again, welding glasses/goggles for red laser protection.
Via searching on the board, it appears the answer is always no, welding goggles will not help with laser protection, they are not designed to block the wave length of red laser (approx 650-660nm). Then they go on to mention black, smoke, grey etc and compare to sunglasses. The thing is, my welding glasses, and all I have seen over the years are not black. They are green.
I own a Dilda, a laserbee LPM and 2 sets of Jackson Nemesis Safety Glasses. Once I was driving from one job to another while wearing them, and I ran a red light. That is when I learned "crap, you can't see the color red with these things on!" Anyhow, here are the
shade 3 ones I own and the
shade 5 ones I own. I don't actually where them while welding of course, only grinding and oxy/acety cutting operations, but that is besides the point.
My Dilda tests at a solid 196 mW on the laserbee, I then pass the Jackson glasses in front of the thermopyle and the reading drops to zero (takes a few seconds of course.) Does that mean they are a safe alternative to blue colored lenses in 660 nm laser goggles?? Or am I missing something here? I certainly could be, remember I am new still