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Glp - 589 busted!

Jul 20, 2011
I bought this GLP-589 from a reputable member right before he disappeared...
i used it for about an hour of lasing time and it died...
should i open it up to identify the problem? seems to be a lot of epoxy holding this one together and i really dont want to mess with it. Any ideas on how i should go about fixing it?
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Best Regards


too old, got it from greg more than a year ago, i have the original box, but no papers
Some basic tests?

Current draw at tailcap?

Is there any IR or dim red glow?, obviously DONT look right into it

Did it weaken before failing or just drop dead?

obviously you've tried new batteries?
Dropped dead(never dropped on the floor though)NO IR glow(tested with IR cam)
...it runs at 3V and im getting a 2.86V tailcap reading.... i get the Reading when i press the button
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Hi, I said current draw at tailcap , not voltage...this will tell you if the circuit is drawing current when you fire the laser up.
Sounds like what happened to mine. I never got the front barrel of it off but since it was still drawing ~800mA like it did when it was working my guess z9along with others here) is the pump diode went LED.
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yeah, thats what i was going to suggest, it sounds like the pump diode has burned up. these lasers are hard to take apart too. lots of epoxy, and the middle of the laser is not really easily seperable safely.
yep, looks like the pump's dead. circuit is broken....might be able to fix it if you can get the guts out safely, but you'd likely destroy the host. though i have a thought....if you like I can attempt to strip it down for educational purposes and make a project out of it? we seem to have no current way of fixing these. I wonder if I could fix it and document anything i find. Its probably a lot like the 473s I see that use the same host.
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Zero current indicates an open circuit. Should the pump be dead it would still draw SOMETHING. A short circuit should draw current as well. Strange... so my guess is either the spring broke free or your button is toast.

Edit: Could perhaps be a broken diode pin aswell
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Zero current indicates an open circuit. Should the pump be dead it would still draw SOMETHING. A short circuit should draw current as well. Strange... so my guess is either the spring broke free or your button is toast.

Edit: Could perhaps be a broken diode pin aswell

True, if it led'd it would. Is the middle loose? If it shifts or seperates in the middle I've heard some nasty things from lg about this.
