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Glow In The Dark stuff


May 26, 2008
I am making a better GITD panel and just Ordered 1/2 pint of this
http://glowinc.com/detail.aspx?ID=3 I remember Daguin recommending to Not get the Ultra Bright as the glow would not fade fast enough do achieve cool stuff.

Anyway, what are other people using for cool GITD paint or anything GITD. Having a 405 Laser just screams "Point me at something that Glows in the Dark!"


I still think that stuff is going to glow too long. For spyro stuff anyway. The video I put together was from the cheapest glow in the dark paint I could find. I found mine at hobby lobby for $4.99. It only glows for about 2-3 minutes perceptibly. beyone that it fades VERY quickly. You can see my video here.
Is that paint GITD or simply UV reactive? I think there is a difference.

Anybody try the Krylon glowing spray paint?
Yea, I did a "Hobby Lobby" 4.99 GITD on a poster looks very similar to yours (Except you are using three motors) I GOT TO do that. Nice Job Man!

Here is mine http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TDTlyhr3HU but it is with two motors. GITD stuff is towards the end

I cant tell if the prolighting supply stuff is fluorescent or GITD. Anyway I dropped fifty bucks and it is on the way... I'll post results!

Thanks for the feedback

usakicksass said:
I could do my bedroom for about $1200. Or even just one wall for about 200.   ;D

You have to suffer for your art.

I thought about buying a Fluorescent Sheet at Hobby Lobby just to check it out. I think I will bring my Laser to the store and discreetly see what it looks like on the poster board...

I KNOW my wife would not let me paint a wall in it LOL Although then you get a strobe light and do shadow pics on the wall... But that would be Strobelightforums.com
so do i want uv reactive or GITD

do they work differnetly or does one work and not the other?
UV reactant stuff fades instantly when the light source dissapears. Gitd stuff will obviously continue to glow after your light source is removed.
I bet making a big cloud of that stuff and hitting it with the BR would make a cool video, if it's any good.
Well I got my freakin 50 dollar per cup GITD paint. Wife hasn't seen the Visa bill yet lol. I opened the can and pointed my 803T at the wet paint. Sweet! I will make my GITD panel and post results this weekend. I am not sure if it was worth the price but I can't think of any other way to get a nice square meter or so of a GITD panel. I can;t find any local paint although Krylon advertises it and so does Rustoleum but Lowe's and Home Depot near me don't stock it.

Wally, I love the cloud idea!

Re: Glow In The Dark stuff UPDATE

Well, I got the paint and made my poster board. It is about 3X4 feet. It really excites well and is a blast to play with. Ultimate Graffiti kind of thing. It has a long persistence though which makes it not quite as cool for a spirograph show kind of thing. My 8 year old loves it as do I. Here is a video of the whole process. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SkRMUtdapY

Dave you were right lol!



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Jules said:
I KNOW my wife would not let me paint a wall in it LOL

The rosin flux in my solder paste box is fluorescent, and I think that's the same ingredient that gives it that pine smell, so you could try tracking down some to make a thin coat under the regular paint. Since it is soluble, you can get it quite thin, and when sandwiched between two layers of white paint, it should make it off-white at worst, except when you shine the BR laser at it, of course. And then there's that nice pine smell.

Just make sure it's not carcinogenic or something. ;)
