Re: 6x Blu-ray SLEDS GB! Supply is almost dry! Hur
amkdeath said:
alternatively, I could send one to IgorT for the diode analyzer.
I would love to do the testing. I just finished my diode analyzer for the 4x's mostly, but it is meant for and would do a great job on any diode. It can make very precise plots and can go up to 2.3A :

. I would gladly pay for the diode, as long as i can test it..
If i had the diode analyzer finished before i started the 4x lifetime test, i could plot a "before and after" graph, to see what degradation looks like in detail. This is what i regret not doing on the test 4x. A before and afer graph would be extremelly informative. It would show if the "threshold climbing/slope staying the same" theory is true (it should be, since scientists came up with it), and if the kinks stay in the same place with power or in the same place with current.
For example, my 4x is today showing anything between 140-150mW.. The power drop is no longer a reliable indicator of degradation, because it dropped in the first kink. So i think the kinks stay in the same position with current, but without a before and after graph it's hard to say what is happening preciselly..
Otherwise, if you just
push a diode till it blows, that doesn't give you too much usefull information. PHRs or even all 405nm diodes can be pushed to ridiculously high currents, and seemingly thrive there, but pops just hours or even minutes later. The point, for me at least, is finding a power, where a diode can survive upwards of a hundred hours. Better yet, several hundred. That would be a good reliable laser.
My test 4x is at
96 hours btw!
405nm diodes are not the same as reds. They behave much differently. With reds, you could find the knee, and go down on it a bit, and that would be a good long term power. These don't have knees, but they have kinks. And they degrade in a completelly different fashion from reds. These two things combined can give a false impression of what power they can survive..
For example, a red doesn't really allow you to go above the knee. Blu rays drop in the kink but slightly higher, they shoot up in power, pretending all is good. But they start degrading instantly.
I think 8x sleds would be good in any case. As far as i know, they can write 8x SL but the DL speed is lower than that of a 6x? The diode might not be more powerful, but it could be similar to the 6x.. Let's just pray to the gods it's not a flat frame type diode!