I think the suspicion is
warranted. Take a look at this review:
It follows Lazerer's suggested format
to the letter. Lazerer's suggestion:
That review duplicates the Lazerer framework right down to placing mention of their Power Certificate service in the "Pros" category as requested.
Lazerer is buying at least some of their reviews with incentives. I recognize that this is liable to cause some animosity to be focussed in my direction from all the members here who have written legitimate
unbiased reviews and feel that I am attacking their credibility. Please understand that I'm not. I am certain that many of the Lazerer reviews are legitimate and untainted. But I am equally certain that many of them are not.
I just read that review again... He shows the Pros and cons of that
Laser. He also stated the demeanor of the seller and I concur on
both fronts.. I too have dealt with the seller..
He did not sugar coat the review... Some first time reviewers are
not experienced in laying out a review.. Because he chose to lay
his review out in that Format doesn't make the review biased...
dishonest or wrong...
There is a simple solution to your need to know....
If you want to know if a reviewer received compensation for his
instead of pointing your accusing finger at all of them..
What is it exactly that pi$$es you off that much with this seller
of good up to spec Lasers... I can't see what is so wrong...
It's not like the seller is compensating customers under the table..
as he could easily have done without telling anyone...
The seller has been honest and upfront with the Forum community..
Two years ago I was selling the LaserBee II on the Forum. Any LPF
member would get a 10% discount refund off the retail price off our
website.. This was know up front.
By your accounting that would make all the reviews about those LPMs
biased and untrustworthy because I compensated the buyer...
Is it a Canadian thing...:thinking:
Nah... can't be that... I'm Canadian and I have no problems with it...
Maybe I'll write a biased positive review since I did not receive
any compensation...