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FrozenGate by Avery

Game: Guess the mystery object !

Is it one of those gyroscopic ball things you hold in your hands and wave about or what not?

Proto is the winner, though the clues i gave practically gave it away :p

Your go Proto.
Here's a quick one..............

Ding! Here's a video of a kid inside the jet.................... LOL

@FlaminPyro is it a pneumatic switch ?
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@flaminpyro, is that from a car, like a part of the suspension?
Edit: ped, damn I even have one of those Gyroballs, but the DX ones don't look as nice.:crackup:

Milirad: yours are always waaay to easy somehow...
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^^ the nuts are electrically isolated.

some kind of solonoid or actuator?

Or a waterproof switch, like a hood or trunk switch?
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Ding PED gets it it's a foot starter switch from an old car when the starter was on the floor board way up top left.
