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FrozenGate by Avery

Game: Guess the mystery object !

Can we have some sort of scale? That could be pretty much any size... O________O

Not know exactly, but it is large, it can also vary.

Possibly more than 1M in diameter x about 2, or 2 and a half meters long.

Do not know if already used currently, or is still a prototype :thinking:

An air cooled thermos :D
Edit: I write before of the last explanations ;)
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Looks like some sort of impeller to me, but to what, I have no idea.

part of it is a impeller, but it is more than, look at the hint's.

It's big, is used in a liquid medium, part of the drive uses a type "impeller", it has to do with cleaning and does other things.

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If someone has been waiting for a opportunity to post something, go ahead, I have
to come up with something first.
If someone has been waiting for a opportunity to post something, go ahead, I have
to come up with something first.

As you wish :)

Have a go of this ...

It would fit in the palm of your hand.
Security closure / locking pin removal device? put it on with top halves together and twist to remove?
both WAYYY of the mark.

This is a professional device found in certain places :)
