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FrozenGate by Avery

Game: Guess the mystery object !

What's this?

CCD sensor from a scientific camera or telescope?

You win :beer:

Is the world's most sensitive astronomical camera, developed at the Universite de Montreal.

The camera is made up of a CCD controller for counting photons.

A digital imagery device that amplifies photons observed by astronomical cameras or by other instruments used in situations of very low luminosity.

The controller produces 25 gigabytes of data per second.

Next ;)
I understand it's "carburo di silicio" (SiC) I have no idea how translate it in English :(
SiC would be silicon carbide, but it doesnt look like that at all.

Sapphire would be more likely, although i have no idea what use an irregularly shaped piece like that would be.
ill give it to Arayan
the answer was ether silicon carbide or carborundum
A giant flip-flop made from pots and pot lids? I was kind of hoping it was a pots and pans dragon until I saw the other side curved up too :(
You are almost a winner. Very close to the real thing.

Edit: Well, close enough I guess. :) Prototype is the winner.

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