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FrozenGate by Avery

Future 1w+ 520nm laser build

Oct 23, 2016
I will be buying the NDG7475 1W 520nm Laser Diode In 12mm Copper Module W/Driver from DTR's Laser shop in about a month, and was looking for some pointers cause this is my first build.
I was wondering the things I need to build a proper host, I plan on machining whatever parts I can but aside from two Li-ion batteries, what else do I need. I also want to pump the diode up to about around 1.2w and wanted to know how I go about doing that.
Sorry if there are already guides, I did look around a bit but only found the host's guide.
Thank you for the help.

As far as the host, are planning to make the whole host or just the heatsink and what ever else might be needed.
Dtr,s sight has all that info in front of you and will sell the diode and driver complete already set to what you want..
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I just like to welcome you to the forum. :)

Can't help you with any machining tips, not a machinist. Hopefully someone who does machining will. But as far far as getting 1.2 watts out of your 7475 they pretty much come that way, ask DTR to set your current on the driver for you and you should hit 1.2 quite easily. Again welcome, be safe and grab safety glasses in the right wavelength. With that much power, their quite dangerous, so be safe and enjoy! :) ~~~~~ edit ooops see GSS already gave advice about the driver, oh well, must have been typing at the same time. :)
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Alaskan, wow didn't realize just how long this was sitting:whistle:
You were absolutely correct with its all out there for the searching;) and there really isn't anything he could miss as "everything" he asked has been covered.
I just about logged on first thing in the morning and i'm guessing just wanted to post:)
I'll just end it here as TOExHEAD, you can really make this simple as can be by buying the whole complete set module from Dtr like BobM added and take a look at member "Lifetime17" plug and play builds that are complete nicely sinked hosts just ready for 2 wires to connect and your good to go. Way cheaper than you might think and that 12mm module will slide in and fit like a glove..
Yes, it sat for two hours which is not really long, no one answering, then two responses right after I told him there was plenty of info if he would search the forum first. :p so you bought him, lead the way :)

Send him to Survival Laser for a host, or one of the members who are making hosts here can chime in. If he would search the forum, he would find what he needs here:

Laser Hosts - Laser Pointer Forums



Yea, I know, when I first joined this forum for the first two years I kept seeing these forum arses say search the forum first to new members too, I thought they were being asses, well now I am one. Feel free to agree with me, I won't deny it.
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Don't know why i'm posting this:o but I guessed I miss judged the time from his OP post thinking it was way more than a few hours.
Now that being said I got the search comments quite few times and still do;):whistle:
I just at times like the one on one approach and the and feel like its double checking what I see and read.
Now lets gets back to see what TOExHEAD is going with?:)
I was being an ass, OK, now that I got that out of the way, there are forum members who would be happy to build a host for him, but I have not purchased from any of them to give a recommendation, do you have one?
I am also new to lasers and was afraid to join because of people like you who immediately tell us to blow off and search past posts which can be old. Can someone tell me who currently makes hosts at a reasonable price?
I was being an ass, OK, now that I got that out of the way, there are forum members who would be happy to build a host for him, but I have not purchased from any of them to give a recommendation, do you have one?
Reading the OP again its totally understanding why someone would say do some searching.
He's or she has got a few lasers already and probably some machining experience as they want to make a host or something at least.
I would go Dtr for a complete module and have a ton of Lifetime's hosts which he setups perfect:)
Only reason I didn't mention EP was cause i'm not sure that it's a whole custom host he wants??
I am also new to lasers and was afraid to join because of people like you who immediately tell us to blow off and search past posts which can be old. Can someone tell me who currently makes hosts at a reasonable price?
I'm double posting here but who are you exactly talking about?
Last 3 of us who replied have never ever said do your own searching on this forum.
Lifetime builds them plug and play as good as it gets and yes very well priced:)
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Thanks for all the replies, I think I got all the info I need. Again I will not be doing this for a month so if I decide to buy a host instead of building my own it wont be for a while. Thank you all.
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You would still be building your own whether you buy a host or not :P At least, for a US made laser pointer over 5 mw output. Well, that's not really true, I have seen some private individuals sell high power laser pointers complete and ready to go but in general, most of us take parts from one vendor and then add them to a host made by someone else. A few though will actually machine their own hosts and add a laser diode, but the exception.
