TJ, how long have you had the pulse cap - it'll probably need reforming.
To do this start with say 250V and work your way up. You dont need amps of current to charge a cap of 4uf, so for example, you could (in theory)start with a flash gun circuit. Put a voltmeter across, and let it get to 250V. Then let it sit charged for 15 minutes. Then put a big resistor across it (30+Kohms) and let it bleed down to zero.
Then charge it to 500 V and so on. Once your flash charger blows up (Coz it cant go hight enough, find an alternative method to charge it.
reforming a big cap like that ensures it doesnt do stupid things like blow up when you try to charge it from a MOT with a diode.
Once you get to 1000 volts, try discharging it into a target, something attached to a plastic pole or pvc pipe. make it long - pulse power can send bits of hot metal flying.