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FrozenGate by Avery

FT:O-Like New Style Dilda 200mw red Laser

Mar 1, 2010
Looking to trade my o-like newstyle dilda for a good quality greenie.I prefer the greenie to have battery and charger.Style desn't matter i just want a green laser because the red one doesn't have visible beam.The power of the green must be around 50-100mw.Also maybe for a blu-ray one.The red dilda is in "like new" condition ,very hight quality and durable desgn.It light matches almost instantly , pops baloons and burns thought a cd case :drool:
Here is a picture:
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youll probly wanna introduce your self in the welcome section before you get bashed for trying to sell something with no information about yourself. and just go to www.ledshoppe.com and buy the 50mw one for 30$
like i mentioned before i don't want to buy.I want to trade, read before posting. :bumpit:
meant to say trade not sell but that doesnt really change my point your selling it for another good instead of money, and usually the issue with new members is trust. apperantly thats not an issue here so just forget it.
