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FrozenGate by Avery

FS: Sanwu Laser store - RGB handheld lasers, 405nm,445nm,465nm,470nm,505nm,515nm,520nm,525nm,635nm,650nm

Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

*looks down at my feet, and kicks the dirt a little* I also just bought the 80mw green 304 pointer. Podo, another question, down the road I'd like to get a pocket. On the spiker I selected the g2 lens, what are the differences between the g7, and g2 besides the shadow the g7 is noted to produce on Sanwu's website? Also will you offer at some point a yellow laser option?

I've been told a G7 is like the G2 and 3Ele had a baby together. It's kinda like a mix between them. So the G7 has more output than the 3ele but less than the G2. It also gives the beam/dot a less rectangular look. Someone else better at optics will probably chime in with more advice but this is about the best I can give you:)

Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

Aaaah ic ic that makes sense :) thank you
Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

Spiker series is looking great! May have to pick up a 5W soon.
Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

How is the add-on for the spiker coming along? When should we expect to see it?
Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

How is the add-on for the spiker coming along? When should we expect to see it?

We will try to release them before december/christmas(include the stainless steel laser), non-laser orders are stacking up because it's near the end of the year.
Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

Have you considered something with an M462 diode? :)
Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

How is the add-on for the spiker coming along? When should we expect to see it?

hey dden I've been looking for a case like yours, can you tell me where you got it at and parts list? much appreciated :beer:
Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

Hello Mr. Podo sent you a private message. I am interested in buying 2 pocket lasers of 520nm and 445nm and I want to ask some things.
Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

Although perhaps some companion could also answer some things:
-445nm 500mw which diode uses m140? A good divergence with the lens 3 elements?
I want it bright enough to aim at the sky at night. And distant objects.

I have had a 1.4w 445nm and I have sold it since it was too powerful and too large to carry it in a pocket.

-520nm 50mw is as bright at night as a 100mw 532nm?
I want it bright enough to aim at the sky at night. And distant objects.
-He has a good visible divergence to aim objects 5 kilometers (3 miles)
*I have laser of 532nm and 200mw and has a range of 5km, seeing the point.

Thanks and best regards
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Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

hey dden I've been looking for a case like yours, can you tell me where you got it at and parts list? much appreciated :beer:
Its a pelican 1495. I also have a 1490. Google search pelican case. I don't know what kind of parts list your looking for.
Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

I have already bought the 2 pocket lasers (445nm and 520nm).
I hope not disappoint me.
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Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

Hello Podo I sent you a private message.
Could I recommend a 10440 battery for such power?
Could you tell me the total time with a 10440 battery, for 445nm and 520nm?
Thank you.
Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

Podo, I wrote to you a mail few days ago. Please answer, to can start to make the order.
Re: FS: Sanwu Laser store - R/G/B handhelds x3 BE & Stainless steel "The Spiker" rele

Thanks for fast delivery. Everything ok
I just send it a mail to your mail. Please respond.

Best Regards from Nürnberg
