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FrozenGate by Avery

FS: Phobos 520nm & Laserbee A 2w Left!

Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

Well then you've found the right place :beer:

Have you owned a laser before? You really shouldn't get anything over 5mW for your first laser... if this will be your first laser, that is
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Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

Nope, this isin't my first laser. I have a generic 500 mw that I've been using for a while, and decided it was time to upgrade.
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

He hasn't been responding to me. Has anyone else bought from him? Is this like him? It looks like he has been on since I sent him a pm over 24 hours ago. Sorry for being impatient, but I want it asap and if I don't order today then I can't order until Monday.
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

I'm here, just busy for a few days, and sorry, I just prefer to sell to members that have been around for a bit, I don't want anyone hurting themselves !
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

I can understand where you are coming from, but please note at I'm not new to lasers, just this forum. Is there anyway that you would consider selling to me? It seems like a really nice laser. I will pay with whatever way you think is the safest, so you know I'm not out here to scam you.
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

Price Drop Again !
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

Any chance you would reconsider me?
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

If I wasn't broke right now I'd be buying no doubt. Weather is warming should have work pickup soon
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

Entertaining any reasonable offers!
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

I know I have been away for a while, but still have the Spartan and 520nm, will consider any reasonable offers!

Thanks !
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

Do you only sell to people who have been on the forums long? If so, why?
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

Do you only sell to people who have been on the forums long? If so, why?

Can you just stop trying to buy lasers? You have made it painfully obvious you have absolutely no clue as to anything laser, laser related, or safety, and you certainly don't seem to be catching on. It honestly frightens me that you own any lasers at all.

Oh, and the "if so, why?" Answer would probably be "BST restrictions" mixed with "common sense." No one is going to look at those red bars and think "Yea, seems legit."
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Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

Would you please zip your mouth I'm asking a question. Just because I ask a lot of people doesn't mean I'm not interested, I'm hunting for a good deal.

Why are you so concerned about me. My lasers aren't that powerful. My 1.6 watt can only burn through a CD case from 18 feet away in 30 seconds.
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

Do you only sell to people who have been on the forums long? If so, why?

Although it seems the question was answered, I will chime in. I only like to sell to people to who I believe take the hobby seriously and responsibly, that being said, those are usually people who have been around for a little bit. I would rather someone not lose an eye, or hurt someone or something else, and I'm sure most people here would agree with me.
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405

okay but since I still own a 1.6 watt what is the difference. Do you sell other products?

And as benm722 said, just because a person is new to a forum, doesn't mean their new

to the hobby. I also have a hobby of water rockets, and I had been flying them for 4

years before I joined the water rocket forum. Everybody thought I was a beginner. At

first it's

fine but when the person tells you that they're not, listen.
Re: Price Drop! FS: Most of my collection for CHEAP - 520, 447, 445, 405


Most here try to make sure the person they are selling a laser to is not only old and mature enough, but someone they feel comfortable selling to as well.
Nobody wants to sell a laser to someone that could hurt themselves or others. If you are old and mature enough and practice proper laser safety then great, but still respect the sellers wishes.
There are always other options and other lasers, and at some point there will be another. Just work on some positive rep, then people will be more likely to work with you.

