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FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assembly!

Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Pretty cool! 8-)

How do you get it in slow motion? I guess your camcorder has that option for playback huh?
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Hello Jay. Got my kit in the mail today. Thank you. Will let you know when I get it built.

Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Thanks for posting back!

Tritium Marker Upgrade!

* Yes it is radioactive - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tritium
* No, it is not really harmful... As long as you don't ingest it.

This stuff GLOWS for over 10 years! Not like a normal glow in the dark item. It GLOWS on it's own! :D No light needed for this stuff to glow. (it just looks 'off white' in daylight - like a very tiny grain of rice, but smaller)

So the option is to have your host 'inlayed' with a Tritium marker! :)

Blue, green, or red... your choice.

Here are the pictures...







The glass vials are tiny... just under 1/16" in diameter, and about 1/5" long.

Note: The hosts are not all perfect, and the areas for machining the slot on the hosts vary in width. I will get the slot as straight as I can, and it will be very nice. But there are imperfections in the hosts when you look close. So please cut me a little slack in that area. :)

Then, the Tritium marker will just be glued in with clear silicone.

Before you ask, Greg is my contact for the Tritium. I don't sell it by itself, just in this upgrade for the Pocket Mini Kit or the DIY Green Kit.

And I also want to mention that Greg is stocking my Pocket Mini Kits in his store, Stonetek.org. He is able to offer 'upgraded' kits that have more parts, including FlexDrives.

As seen above, I do offer a FlexDrive 'HOT option' as well.

The price for the 'Tritium Marker' upgrade, which includes the machine work and the Tritium vial set into the slot, is $24.99

If you already have one of my kits, you can send me the back 'barrel' portion of the host, and I can do the modification for the same price. Plus return shipping...
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

That is a cool idea.. Where do you get the tritium pieces?
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Thanks! (Greg's idea, my implementation)

Talk to Senkat about the Tritium...
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

jayrob said:
Pretty cool! 8-)

How do you get it in slow motion? I guess you camcorder has that option for playback huh?
I used my phone to record it (the Lg viewty) it has a option for 120fps so it's in slow motion! :P Great thing is the phone is cheap as well!
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

hey i was wondering, do you have the design drawings for the aluminium parts?
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Of course I do! the measurements are precise, especially for the custom front piece...

Don't take this the wrong way, but if you have the means to make them, then you have the means to measure the host.

I always try to help where I can, and show details, answer the questions that I can, but I am selling these parts, so please don't ask for the drawings. Just buy the parts! :)
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Hi Jay

Awesome work, I would like to know how much would cost me one small (mini) green laser between 100-150mW, if I order parts (host that you say,532nm diode, and driver) and heatsink from you?
For that kit that you put in first post, I have to order diode additionaly?
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Yes, it is all in the first post. The kit is basically just a nice home for the module, which you would order separately...

I have links to the modules at the top of the 1st post.

There are cheaper options for green pointers, but this kit gives better heatsinking for the module that most. And it gives the satisfaction of a do it yourself build! :)

The host/heasink kit will last a lifetime. Just swap out the modules if ever needed, or to upgrade power...
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Yes that is the best thing, if you ever want to put stronger diode and driver, of you get the driver with diode, because on blue-ray and red diode you have to put this driver hacylon.case.edu.....Micro_FlexDrive ,if I an right?
But with green one you get whole module (diode and driver) from o-like, and it is easier to built it?

I will see and inform you if I want to order one, but I would like to try first with one of those: (I do not have 10 posts so I cant put links)
dealextreme of 150mW for 39$ ,of maybe true 100mW, because it would be my first laser. And later I will try with better one. ;)
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Yes, the o-like modules have the driver on there. All you need is a host and a battery.

This DIY Green Kit can be assembled in less than 5 minutes. Very easy assembly.

The DX 'True Green' lasers are a good choice for the price, but DX doesn't ship anything over 5mW's to the U.S. anymore in case you are in the U.S.

Sawt offers a service to distribute DX lasers if needed. Pretty much a free service! :)
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

I really like your kits, but for now they are too expensive for me 75$(kit)+70$(100mW module)~150$ with shipping , it is good price, but for me now to much, I am student working only over summer ,you know what I mean.
I will not have problems with DX because I am from Croatia , I spoked with few people and they sad that they didn't have any problems with customs, but we will see when I order. :)
How is it with you, when you ship to Europe, or if you have ever shipped to Croatia , did you have any problems?
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

I have not had any problems shipping out of the Country...

I mark the package as a 'gift'. With a description of 'LED Flashlight', and a low value of $15 dollars.

That said, the cheap 1st class shipping has no insurance. So the buyer takes responsibility. But I haven't had any problems! :)
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Nice to hear, we will be in touch , hope you will continue to sell those kits, I will order one just have to see when... :)
