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FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assembly!

Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Hmm, The laser keeps doing it now, guess it wasent from being cold. It turns on and its almost like someone is twisting the collimating adjusting it, I have a video im gonna upload soon. I Guess this one wasent meant to be. I Might upgrade to a 100mW olike module

Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

It appears to be a connection problem...

Because it looks like the module is actually turning on and off on it's own. Start with the basics. Make sure the pill is threaded down tight. Then check the spring length on the tail cap to see if it is long enough to put pressure on your battery when the tail cap is threaded on.

I'll bet it is just a connection issue. Another thing to check is the tail cap switch. See if the retaining ring (or however it is held in place) is tight. Then use your DMM to test the continuity from the bare metal threads on the inside of the tail cap, to the center spring while turning the switch on and off. Some times the switch will not be making good contact to the tail cap on the inside. It is pretty much a tinker toy, so you can take it apart and see how it makes contact with the tail cap.

99% sure that there is where your problem is. If you can determine that it is the switch, but you are not comfortable with repairing it, just send me the tail cap and I will fix it. This happened with another person who bought the kit. It is an easy fix. I just soldered a little blob of solder where the switch could make a better connection to the tail cap...

P.S. Another simple test that you can do, is to unscrew the module from the host and just touch the negative end of a battery to the spring. Then use a wire to make the connection from the positive end of the battery to the brass module or heatsink. This will light the module so be careful.
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

well, Im turning it off and on by lightly pushing the button in enough to turn it off, Ill try wire and battery method and report back.

EDIT: Tryed it, still does the same thing. Its like is adjusts itself after I turn it on, is it supposed to do that? and you notice when I turn it on, it goes to its brightness it should then it tunes down and you can see part of the threads reflected on the wall when I point it. Very strange what its doing, and I dont think its normal. Anyone else ever had this problem? I never turned the little screw on the module or anything.
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Try turning the pot clockwise, just to see what it acts like. I'm talking barely. Like 1/16 of a turn, then test is again and see if it is more stable...
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Dident help. Can I send this to someone to see if they can tune it or somthing, or see whats wrong with it?
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Send the module back to me...

I'll PM you my shipping address. This is why I don't normally sell modules or diodes. They are too easy to damage, and I have no way of knowing if the person really did not turn the pot. But I'll take your word for it...

After I check it out, as long as it is not 'thrashed' or something, I will just offer you your money back for the module.
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

I tryed posting this earler but it was maintence mode. I turned it a 1/4 turn counter clockwise and the beam stays brighter longer than before, but once it dims and i turn it off and then on again it does it almost instantly like in the video. I can see on the pot that theres a marker marking where the stock setting was, so that helps. I never tampered with it as I know they are really touchy, but that would be really nice of you to give a refund. And they say there arent any good people on these fourms.
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

kdubbz said:
I tryed posting this earler but it was maintence mode. I turned it a 1/4 turn counter clockwise and the beam stays brighter longer than before, but once it dims and i turn it off and then on again it does it almost instantly like in the video. I can see on the pot that theres a marker marking where the stock setting was, so that helps.  I never tampered with it as I know they are really touchy, but that would be really nice of you to give a refund. And they say there arent any good people on these fourms.

Well wait a minute...

I told you to turn it 1/16 of a turn clockwise! NOT 1/4 turn counter clockwise. Since you admit that you turned it 1/4 turn counter clockwise, I may not want to give you your money back. This is not what I recommended that you should try. You did this on your own...

P.S. I'll tell you what I will offer you in this case...
How about I just give you back half of what I charged you for the module ($15 dollars), and you keep the module. Fair enough?
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

nono, its ok you dont have to give me any money back. Ill experiment with it and in the mean time Ill have another o-like module in the mail. Thanks for the help though.
And looks as if turning it counter clockwise helped, and it seems to not dim down at all, and stay at its normal brightness.
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Well then in that case, you have $15 dollars credit with me on any of my kits or heatsinks! :)

P.S. Be careful about turning it too far. It will probably kill it. If it has improved and seems to be working good. Don't touch it...
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

jkoppk, I have a notice that there is a package at the post office for me that I will pick up tomorrow. According to the tracking number, I will have 3 of the 10 Green Hosts that I have on order. That means I will be shipping your DIY Green Kit tomorrow. (Monday)

Arenared, same goes for your DIY Green Kit and other item.

freshert, yours too!
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

azfrench, I will have your DIY Green kit in tomorrow's mail! (Saturday)

Please let me know when you get it! :)
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Got my green kit in the mail today,now i'm just waiting for the 150mw module.

Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

Good deal! Thanks for letting me know it got there...

Mark, your DIY Green Kit with custom front piece and dust cap will be in Monday's mail!
Re: FS: DIY Green Kit! Host, Heatsink - Easy Assem

are you thinking of buying some modules in bulk and selling them
for the aussies
