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FrozenGate by Avery

FS Brand new OptLasers RGB 400mW

Mar 7, 2015
I recently bought a OptLasers RGB and received it last week. I slowly learned that it was a too big of a project for me and I've decided to sell it and get some money back. It also comes with their new driver and a Matek 5v 12v power distributor. https://imgur.com/a/cdGMA I'm asking for $400 plus $20 for shipping to the United States. I'll be getting full insurance on it when shipped and adding a ton of extra padding. Thanks!

It looks like it came with the diodes already pressed. Is that right? Their driver is way over priced. I could build that for $20.00 maximum. I see you also paid for a single supply to give you the +12 volts for the driver and the +5 volts for the TTL. It would have been cheaper to use a +12 volt supply and regulate it down to +5 volts for TTL. I have an RGB project going right now. Otherwise, I might have been interested in the diode block.

Still might if you are willing to sell only that, and the price is right.
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Yes the diodes are already pressed. And no I don't want to cut parts off and sell them. If no one is interested in it. I can still send it back and get a refund.
Oh, if you can get a refund, that may be your best avenue. I would be interested in the whole diode block with the optics and wiring.
Did RedCowboy say that he wanted one? :thinking:

Or why you won't let Paul to build controller for it? It is one of the best small RGB unit out there.
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I might be interested if Paul would consider making a driver for it.
Did RedCowboy say that he wanted one? :thinking:

I may get that new Sanwu HH RGB if reviews are good and the price is reasonable, I am waiting to see and I also expect RGB HH units will get better and cheaper in time, we may even see a RGB diode set up to produce a combined beam.

Billy have you looked into ready made controllers ?

How small do you need it ?

I'm not finding the perfect ready made, better to make your own.

I would just use a 555, here's one with a 7414 > http://www.robotroom.com/PWM.html
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TTL is on from 3.5 -5 and off from 0.8 - 0 and I keep seeing 3.3 , Chinese don't like to give a lot of specs on stuff.

Here's one with a 555 but skip the transistor below the load, it's not needed.


Here's a real basic drawing but use your 5V supply up top in place of 9V, 100K pot is good. You can change the cap size if you don't have enough range, cap sets the rate and your pot sets your % on/off.



This would work, you would need one for each> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Adjustable...fffd9ddf|iid:1&_trksid=p2481888.c100678.m3607

Here's something cool, says it remembers your setting, not what you want but could be useful for other things. > https://www.ebay.com/itm/Signal-Gen...fffd9ddf|iid:1&_trksid=p2481888.c100678.m3607
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This is somewhat similar to the one I came up with. It runs off +9 volts and outputs a 2.4 KHz square wave with a 0% to 100% duty cycle at +5 volts for TTL. Am current building two of these. One for myself and one for another member here. I have a +12 volt input and use it to power the RGB laser, while regulating it down to +9 volts for the PWMs. It all fits inside one project box with a single +12 input and a +12 volt out with three controlled outputs.
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