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FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod - 31% Increase vs AixiZ!

Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

how much space is there between the lens and diode when collimated to infinity? There could be weird reflections going on right there that enter the lens and end up as "side splash"

btw I like this term. We should make it official :-)

anyhow. I wander if painting aixiz module black right in there arround diode would change anything. This is different combination of distance and f-length that creates the side splash.

i will certainly be playing to improve it.


Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

The lens is very close to the diode. Just guessing, but it's probably between 1 and 2mm.

Please post back if you find any improvements Miloš! :)

Your 405-G-1 lens mods are shipping today...
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

Quit making so much cool stuff Jay! :P I can't afford to spend money to redo my 405 haha
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

Sorry, I can't help myself! ;D

If you get this lens mod, watch out for burning your fingers while focusing!

Seriously... you will feel some pain if your not careful! Pretty cool though... 8-)

P.S. Traveller, your 405-G-1 glass lens mod it shipping today!
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

jayrob said:
Parts just arrived today, yours will be in Monday's mail! :)

Same goes for:

sweet. thanks Jay.

Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

Your welcome!

Please post back with your comments on the modification! :)
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

pullbangdead said:
What an exciting hobby, and an exciting time to be in the hobby.  Really, just in the last year alone, we've gone from DIY red with whatever you can scrounge up as the only really widely accessible DIY, to this huge, wide assortment of red and violet!!! diodes and accessories such as this lens, with the cool pre-made drivers from rckstr and dr.lava, the hosts such as kenom's, the heatsinks and custom parts such as you (jayrob) and darkhorse, susie's modules to make green DIY very easy.

It's amazing.

It is amazing! :D

I used to say 'leave the burning for the long open can reds', but not anymore! One thing that has not been mentioned much, is the fact that a cheap PHR can have plenty of power with this 405-G-1 lens mod!

I mean most of the focus is on the higher powered diodes, because you need glass at higher power for blu-ray...

But since the PHR's are so cheap, we can push them even just a little at say... 130mW's (AixiZ acrylic).

This lens mod will give the same PHR over 160mW's! 8-)
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

jayrob said:
But since the PHR's are so cheap, we can push them even just a little at say... 130mW's (AixiZ acrylic).

This lens mod will give the same PHR over 160mW's! 8-)
Why not just spend the same money and get a 6x @200mW+ and no splash.. ::)
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix


That is what everybody wants, but a 6X will cost you $200 bucks now. Because you cant get the sleds anymore.

The other obvious thing is, the 405-G-1 lens mod will last a lifetime, for what ever build you want to put it in. The dioed will not!
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

jayrob said:

That is what everybody wants, but a 6X will cost you $200 bucks now. Because you cant get the sleds anymore.

The other obvious thing is, the 405-G-1 lens mod will last a lifetime, for what ever build you want to put it in. The dioed will not!

SF-AW210 = $60 In stock now...
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

Oh those...

I thought you said a 6X. The SF-AW210 sleds have been giving mixed results. According to Dave's graph and testing on 3 sleds, he is recommending maybe 185mA's at this point. That would give you about 150mW's with an AixiZ acrylic. (or about 190mW's with the 405-G-1 lens mod) But that may be pushting them still yet...

I personally believe that his graph is closer to the 4X graph than the 6X. The one I had was very unusual it seems.


The testing goes on. Maybe there are some that contain higher power diodes like the freak one that I had.

Sadly, my 'freak' SF-AW210 diode is now dead. It had only about 15 minutes on it at no more than 1 minute on times...
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

jayrob said:
Sadly, my 'freak' SF-AW210 diode is now dead. It had only about 15 minutes on it at no more than 1 minute on times...
At 384mWs its no wonder ::)
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

Yeah I know....

Hind sight is 20/20. I had it at 280mA's. People wanted me to push it even higher. But now I wish I had set it at 220mA's, which whoud have still given 237mW's with my 'freak' diode using AixiZ acrylic. Or around 300mW's with the 405-G-1 glass lens mod...
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

Hey Jay, put me down for one, although it may be a few days before I get some cash in your hands :D
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

You got it! :)
Re: FS: 405-G-1 Glass Lens Mod-28% Increase vs Aix

Has anyone tried cleaning the lens with a microfiber cloth?
you guys probably tried that already tho...

