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FS: 200mw green portable w/pics

freshert said:
BlueFusion how long will it take you to get the laser ready to ship?

freshert, why do you have to use the word "loooooooooooooooong" :P
BlueFusion already got the packages packed up on his tricycle and ready to roll. ;D

Sorry, can’t help myself. :-[ ;D -1 Rep for me. :-[
Hey - I know I've said stuff was shipped when it wasn't before. I'm never doing it again, bottom line. And yes I did actually mail laserterd's laser yesterday.

freshert - a slight problem has cropped up, I accidentally broke it while attempting to tweak it :O
But I've worked with these lasers for a while now, I know them inside out and I can fix it, it's just a matter of time and work. It's just an electrical connection that needs resoldering.
freshert said:
danq you sure love purple ;D
well... it's just that it turns out to be the least-common color for most vegetables (including me).
(OT) Have you clicked on any of the purple P's in my sig?
Whoa, I love snowpeas! How do you make them purple? Please don't say you crossed them with eggplants :<
VillageIdiot said:
Whoa, I love snowpeas! How do you make them purple? Please don't say you crossed them with eggplants :<
I guess you haven't had too many kinds of eggplant... my fave is Listada di Gandia:

I made the purple edible-podded peas by crossing a green "sugar snap" type with a shelling (dry) pea that has a very tough but purple pod. Then all it took was about 12 years of selection, back-crossing, luck, intuition and a purple thumb or two.

You should see my purple sweet corn - it bleeds like a beet, stains your fingers purple!
- it's good though! [sub];-)[/sub]
wow. you have experience with genetic modification? are we talking like gene guns and stuff?
360freak said:
wow. you have experience with genetic modification? are we talking like gene guns and stuff?
NO! only hand-pollination (well, plus a little bit of male-part castration when they're tiny)

iewed said:
Greatest thread-jack ever.
Man, what the hell? I jump to the last page and see it's about snow peas. Still, does anyone know about hand-polinating tomatoes? I'm serious, I've got a lot of blossoms, but very few fruit!
^^ google is your friend :)

and while we're off topic, does anyone want to be in a fantasy football league with me ?? :) im going to be in a few and might start one myself
Bionic-Badger said:
Man, what the hell? I jump to the last page and see it's about snow peas. Still, does anyone know about hand-polinating tomatoes? I'm serious, I've got a lot of blossoms, but very few fruit!
that's symptomatic
(or is it symptomatoc?)
tic, toc... what the hock?
you say tomayto, he says tomahto
hock, hock... news there?

...erm, as I was trying to say: that's symptomatic of plant stress. Tomatoes are self-pollinating (generally) so hand-pollinating won't do much good. The most likely cause of poor fruit set is temperature extremes; blossoms will abort if it's too hot during the day or if it gets too cold at night. Older varieties "heirlooms" are more susceptible to this; as are big beefsteak types. A modern hybrid like "better boy" will be more reliable than most - but not nearly as tasty as a Goldie!

Actually danq, I thought you were just a pot head obsessed with purple haze to be honest.
BlueFusion said:
And yes I did actually mail laserterd's laser yesterday.

What service did you pay for? Like how long is it supposed to take, just out of curiosity.

hmm.. what about eggplant?

and asparagus and spinach can be purple, as well as potatoes, rhubarb, turnips, squash, chard, and a number of seaweeds... (just off the top of my head)

I'd say blue is a much rarer color in vegetables.

Nice work with those peas though, I can't say I've seen them in purple before... Have any of them fully stabilized yet? Are you doing this just through genetics or are you depriving them of nitrogen in a cold environment or something?

edit: oh hey, there's another page to this thread... and it's already been fully hijacked already :D
