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FrozenGate by Avery

Friendly heads-up concerning the 445 diodes

Apr 2, 2009
for those new members, those who joined in just last year or so..and those who may have forgotten....

Admin & LPF sorta nearly got sued ( We had to hire a laywer) by Kasio for using their name- so it may be a good idea to dele any place at LPF where you have posted C***o( I had to add the *s -you know who i mean)
- this is why you do not see very many using the 'C' word here-

all that happened afaik before you joined-- it was a 'cease and desist' letter that was not to be taken lightly.

when you see us using some other spelling like Kasio etc.. it NOT because we are being funny- this is something we all have been asked to follow.

I am posting this in two there boards and there is NO need to post in this thread or the others- just please 'go with the program' and do not use the 'C' word anywhere. any time ..

Thanks-- hak

can somebody fill me in here? possibly by pm if necessary? I mean sued for what exactly?
can somebody fill me in here? possibly by pm if necessary? I mean sued for what exactly?
I'd imagine something along the lines of "Condoning destruction of there product for a dangerous and destructive use"? Most likely cause it'll give them a bad name, I don't see the issue, the end of the day, Money's money.
Dun, dun, dun... Well that would of been a pain for LPF. I don't see what the problem is either.
Dun, dun, dun... Well that would of been a pain for LPF. I don't see what the problem is either.
I tend to agree, It's not like it's the forum itself, It's the individual users, Why not Subpoena every individual member, lol. A bit pathetic.
LPF was thoroughly protected by the DMCA (content generated by users, not by the content publisher, LPF), but our calculator-making friends were still intent on rattling their legal sabre.

Thus, we had to stop mentioning their name, lest they bring legal action. They would have lost, but it would have been costly for LPF.

thats total bunk, im sorry.
but cant they just be added to the word filter? and rather than having asterisks just replace the c? lol
thats total bunk, im sorry.
but cant they just be added to the word filter? and rather than having asterisks just replace the c? lol

That's a good question. If I mention ********* (the pasta laser show program created by a scammer), it is censored. Not even one letter shows up.

Why can't we do that with the calculator manufacturer?
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That's a good question. If I mention ********* (the pasta laser show program created by a scammer), it is censored. Not even one letter shows up.

Why can't we do that with the calculator manufacturer?
i mispoke. i meant to say a custom filter that replaces the c with a k and thiats it. but either way, yeah i think it should be done either way; this way avoiding any conflicts. i mean, their is no way everybody on the forum is going to read this thread a know not to say that not-so-explicit C word XP
That is a good idea! As for the kasio company I could openly talk nothing but crap about there company as long as I don't get my self in trouble with liable but the second I say brake it open for the goodies they are all over you. Seams pretty stupid.
That is a good idea! As for the kasio company I could openly talk nothing but crap about there company as long as I don't get my self in trouble with liable but the second I say brake it open for the goodies they are all over you. Seams pretty stupid.
It's not even breaking it!
Yeah this is complete crap, that is a good idea though. I don't own a forum so i dont know how it works but i would guess you could put a work filter on that changes the c to a k.
You could even have the filter link the changed letter to this post so people understand why it's doing that (instead of being confused when their letter keeps changing to a K) like this:

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